Valéry Denoix de Saint Marc
8 avenue de Messine
Paris 75008
From 1991 to 1997, Valéry Denoix de Saint Marc was a lawyer with Berlin office of a Franco-German law firm. He was in charge of advising French and other non-German clients for their activity in Germany notably in the field of privatization and public / private partnerships. He advised governments of several newly independent States of the former Soviet Union for the enactment of new legislation (protection of foreign investments, company law, contract law). In 1998, he has joined August & Debouzy in Paris of which he became a partner in 2004. He is in charge of overseas investment transactions and arbitration, acting both as counsel and arbitrator
French Committee of the ICC; Comité français de l’arbitrage; International Arbitration Institute; Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (German Arbitration Institute).
12 arbitrations in total as arbitrator; 23 arbitrations in total as counsel
“Confidentiality of Arbitration and the Obligation to Disclose Information on listed Companies or During Due Diligence Investigations” –Journal of International Arbitration; Volume 20 Issue 2; “Panorama de
jurisprudence allemande” (Review of German case law in the field of arbitration) – La Gazette du Palais – special issue on arbitration, twice yearly since 2000; “La réforme du droit allemande de l’arbitrage” – La Gazette du Palais, 2000; “Les contrats de privatisation des entreprises Est-allemandes” -La Gazette du Palais, 1992.