Leng Sun Chan

Essex Court Chambers Duxton (Singapore Group Practice)
19 Duxton Hill, Singapore 089602
Associate, Raja, Darryl & Loh (1989 -1990); Lecturer, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore (1990 -1993); Legal Officer, United Nations Compensation Commission (2002 - 2003); Partner, Ang & Partners (July 1994 - October 2011); International Commercial Arbitration, Singapore Management University Course Designer and Adjunct Faculty (2009 - 2010).Principal, Wong & Leow LLC, Global Head of Arbitration, Baker Mckenzie (2011 - 2018); Essex Court Chanmbers Duxton (2018 - Present).
Senior Counsel of Supreme Court of Singapore; Immediate Past President of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb); Advisory Panel, Singapore Maritime Foundation; Chairperson of the arbitration panel jointly appointed by the EU and Korea under the protocol on cultural cooperation of the Korea-EU FTA; Chartered Arbitrator (CIArb); Fellow of the Malaysian Institute of Arbitrators (MIArb) and SIArb; Member of the Committee on the Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC); President of Maintenance of Parents Tribunal; Deputy Chairman of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC); Deputy Chairman of the SGX (Singapore Exchange) Appeals Committee.
Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC); Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration (KLRCA); China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC); China Maritime Arbitration Commission (CMAC); Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitrator (SCMA); International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR); Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB); Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA); Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC).
Experience as Arbitrator: Approximately 40 to 50 appointments (rules applied to the proceedings) (UNCITRAL Rules, SIAC, SCMA, LMAA, ICC, ICDR, PCA Optional Rules for Arbitration of Dispute relating to Natural Resources, and ad hoc. Approximately 30 awards issued.
Experience as Counsel: More than 100 cases acted (rules applied to the proceedings) (UNCITRAL, SIAC, SCMA, LMAA, ICC and ad hoc).
Leng Sun is the author of the book Singapore Law on Arbitral Awards and Co-Editor of Conflict of Laws in Arbitration. He has also published widely in international journals such as Revue de l’Arbitrage, Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, the Asian International Arbitration Journal, the Singapore Yearbook of Legal Studies, the International Journal of Shipping Law and the Singapore Academy of Law Journal. He contributed to two Special Editions of the Singapore Academy of Law Journal, “The Frontiers of Contract Law” edited by Prof. Emeritus Michael Furmston and “Shipping Law” edited by Prof. Emeritus Francis Reynolds, QC (Hon). His papers on international sales law are published in the leading CISG database of Pace Law School.
Leng Sun is the Singapore country contributor to Tetley’s Marine Cargo Claims (4th Ed). He wrote the chapter, “Common Types of Shipping Arbitration” in the book, The Role of Arbitration in Shipping Law, published by Oxford University Press (Goldby and Mistellis eds, 2016) and The Developing World of Arbitration (Reyes and Gu eds, 2018).