Alvaro R. Castellanos

Diagonal 6, 10-01 Z. 10 C.G. Las Margaritas Torre II Of. 1101
Guatemala 01010
Dean, School of Law and Social Sciences, Universidad Rafael Landivar. Guatemala, Guatemala (2002-2006)
Guatemalan Bar Association
Resolution Committee of the Industrial Chamber of Guatemala. CRECIG (initials in Spanish). (2011-present).
Arbitration and Conciliation Centre, Chamber of Commerce of Guatemala CENAC (initials in Spanish).
National arbitrator appointed by the Ministry of Economy of Guatemala for treaties: Free Trade Agreement between Dominican Republic, Central America and United States (General); Free Trade Agreement between Dominican Republic, Central America and United States (Investment); Free Trade Agreement between Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras (Investment); Free Trade Agreement between Guatemala and Republic of China (Taiwan); General Treaty for Central American Economic Integration.
Member by Guatemala in the International Court of Arbitration,–ICC-; Paris, France, (2006- to date.)
President. Arbitration and Conciliation Center. Chamber of Commerce of Guatemala, CENAC Guatemala, (1996–1997).
8 appointments in local arbitrations. Guatemala, Guatemala
“El Arbitraje Interno e Internacional en Latinoamérica”, Colombia, Colombia, August, 2010
“Fundamentación Jurídica del Arbitraje Agrario,” 2007. Guatemala, Guatemala.
“Los Árbitros y el Ius Imperium ¿Compatibles o Incompatibles?”, Santiago Chile and Mexico, 2006
“Introducción al Derecho Constitucional”, Guatemala, 1998
“Ponencia sobre el Arbitraje como Mecanismo Alternativo para la Solución de Conflictos”, Guatemala, November, 1995.