Isabelle Michou
6 rue Lamennais
Paris 75008
Phone Number:
+33 (0)1 73 44 60 06
Maîtrise (JD equivalent) in Civil Law and International Law (University of Paris I/Panthéon-Sorbonne, 1995)
Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (post graduate degree) in Private International Law with Professors Paul Lagarde and Pierre Mayer (University of Paris I / Panthéon- Sorbonne, 1996)
Bar Admission or Professional License:
Avocat à la Cour, Paris Bar (January 1998)
Solicitor, England and Wales (2001)
Present Position:
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, Partner (November 2016-present)
Professional Experience:
Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, Partner (1998-October 2016)
Panels of Arbitrators:
ICC Canada; ICC France; BVI International Arbitration Centre.
Arbitration Experience:
As president, sole arbitrator and co-arbitrator in arbitration proceedings under the ICC, SCC, LCIA rules as well as under the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)’s Optional Rules for Arbitration of Disputes Relating to Natural Resources and/or the Environment Rules; Extensive arbitration experience as counsel under all the major institutional rules (ICC, ICSID, LCIA, SCC, Swiss Rules) as well as the UNCITRAL rules in ad hoc arbitrations.
Areas of Specialization:
International Trade
Joint Ventures
Public International Law
Publications from JURIS:
Speaking and writing extensively on international arbitration.
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