Julien Fouret

betto seraglini
41, avenue de Friedland
75008 Paris
Since 2015 Partner, betto seraglini; 2012-2015: Counsel, Castaldi Mourre & Partners, International Arbitration Group; 2010 – 2012: Counsel of the Secretariat of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce; 2008-2010: Associate, Derains & Gharavi; 2007-2008: Associate, Salans (now Dentons); 2006: Consultant, investment division, Directorate for Fiscal, Financial and Entreprise Affaire, OECD; 2004- 2006: Jurist, Shearman & Sterling.
Co-Editor in Chief, ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin; Website & Newsletter Officer, IBA Arbitration Committee; IBA Arb40; ASA Below 40; CFA 40; Groupe de Travail de la Commission d’Arbitrage de la CCI sur les Institutions Financières et l’arbitrage international; ILA; ICC; CFA; IBA; ICC Young Arbitrators Forum; IAI; YIAG; ESIL; SQDI.
Over 60 international arbitrations as counsel, sole arbitrator and party appointed arbitrator. This includes ICC, LCIA, ICSID, ad hoc, UNCITRAL, AFA, Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Danish Arbitration Institute or Cairo Regional Center for International Commercial Arbitration. Representation of a European State in a BIT arbitration concerning the liberalisation of the health insurance industry (900 million dollars, UNCITRAL Paris, English language); Representation of a North American investor against an Eastern European State in an BIT arbitration concerning discrimination and violation of the fair and equitable treatment in the broadcasting industry (80 million dollars, ICSID, English language); Representation of European investors against a European State in a BIT arbitration concerning discriminatory measures and expropriation suffered in the food-processing industry (1 billion dollars, ICSID, English language); Representation of European investors against an African State in an arbitration based on a BIT and an investment law concerning discriminatory measures and expropriation in different industry sectors (35 million euros, ICSID, French language); Representation of a North American investor in a BIT arbitration against an Asian State in connection with the liberalisation of the energy sector (500 million dollars, UNCITRAL Geneva, English language); Representation of a consortium of European companies following the construction of a LNG terminal (700 million euros, ICC Paris, French law, English language); Representation of a Brazilian company against a French bank concerning Export Documentary Credit (70 million euros, ICC Paris, English language); Representation of a major energy sector player on a shareholders dispute concerning a joint venture in North Africa (500 million euros, ICC Geneva, Spanish law, English and Spanish language); Representation of a European agrifood company concerning a Distribution Agreement (30 million euros, ICC Paris, French law, English language); Representation of a European company in a dispute relating to the construction of a pipeline in North Africa (75 million euros, ICC Paris, Algerian law, French language); Representation of a major energy sector player concerning guarantees following the construction of an electric plant (95 million euros, ICC Geneva, Swiss law, English language); Representation of a major French media company concerning intellectual property rights (25 million euros, ICC Paris, French law, English language).
‘Enforcement of Investment Treaty Arbitration Awards : A Global Guide’, Globe Law and Business Publishing, 2015 ; ‘Recueil des commentaires des décisions du CIRDI’ (2002-2007), Editions Bruylant, 2009, with D. Khayat ; Bi-annual ICSID Case Law review in the Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. Author of numerous articles on international investment law, public international law and international commercial arbitration including “Stay(ing) on Track or Falling off the Edge: The Absence of Legal Security in the Ad Hoc Committees’ Decisions under Article 52(5) of the ICSID Convention” (2012) ICSID Review – FILJ.