John P. Gaffney

Al Tamimi & Company
Al Sila Tower, 26th Floor
Abu Dhabi Global Market Square
Al Maryah Island
P.O. Box 44046
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Senior Counsel, Arbitration Group, Al Tamimi & Company, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Senior Associate, International Arbitration Group, King & Spalding, Paris, France
Associate, International Arbitration Group, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Paris, France
Associate, Skadden, Arps, Slate Meagher & Flom (UK) LLP, London, England
Partner with a number of Irish law firms, including William Fry Solicitors, Dublin, Ireland
Associate Legal Officer, United Nations Compensation Commission, Geneva, Switzerland
National University of Ireland, Cork (part-time lecturer in Construction and Engineering Law)
Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation & Arbitration Centre (ADCCAC)
China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) Panel of Arbitrators for International Cases
Kuala Lumpur Regional Center for Arbitration (KLRCA) Panel of International Arbitrators
WIPO Domain Name Panelists for “.ie” domain
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Neutral; Law Society of Ireland Panel of Arbitrators.
As Counsel (or co-counsel):
Subsidiary of one of Abu Dhabi's leading privately-owned conglomerates in an arbitration with a JV contractor (ADCCAC, Abu Dhabi)
Global leader in visa services in an arbitration with a Pakistani company (Ad hoc, Dubai)
Gypsum products supplier in an arbitration with an Indian company (ICC, Singapore)
Singaporean hotel operator in an arbitration with a BVI company (DIFC-LCIA, Dubai seat)
Saudi Arabian oil & gas supplier in an arbitration with a US company (Ad hoc/DIAC Dubai seat)
Abu Dhabi aluminum extrusions company in a construction dispute with a Lebanese contractor (ICC Expertise Rules & ADCCAC arbitration, Abu Dhabi seat)
Abu Dhabi investment company in a dispute with a design consultant (ADCCAC mediation, ADCCAC arbitration, Abu Dhabi seat)
Subsidiary of Abu Dhabi industrial group in a franchise dispute (Ad hoc, Montreal seat)
Major international player in renewable energy in a dispute with a UAE company concerning the construction of a photovoltaic plant (ADCCAC arbitration, Abu Dhabi seat)
International industrial service provider in a dispute with a Korean contractor on major infrastructure project in Abu Dhabi (ICC arbitration, Abu Dhabi seat)
Leading Abu Dhabi property development company in numerous ADCCAC arbitrations
Abu Dhabi investment bank and asset manager (BCDR-AAA arbitration, Bahrain seat)
French national in a shareholder dispute (ICC mediation, ICC arbitration, DIFC seat)
CIS State in an investment treaty case concerning an oil refining facility brought by a Russian investor under a Bilateral Investment Treaty (UNCITRAL Rules, seated in The Hague)
Leading Russian energy company in an international arbitration against Swedish and Russian companies in relation to the expansion of an existing power plant (ICC arbitration, seated in Zurich)
Indian multinational company in a commercial arbitration brought by a US multinational corporation (ICC arbitration, seated in Paris)
African State in an investment treaty case brought by a Dutch-incorporated investor under a Bilateral Investment Treaty (ICSID arbitration)
Albanian telecommunications company in a dispute with a fixed line operator (ICC arbitration, seated in Paris)
Greek industrial group in a dispute concerning a joint venture with a Spanish partner in the Greek energy sector (LCIA arbitration, seated in Vienna)
French multinational in a multi-billion construction arbitration relating to a nuclear facility (ICC, seated in Stockholm)
Russian investment bank in four concurrent LCIA arbitrations arising from sale and purchase and related agreements in the food sector in a CIS state (London seat)
US multinational power company in a multimillion euro arbitration with a Spanish/Japanese consortium concerning the construction of a power plant in southern Spain (Ad hoc, seated in London)
Irish luxury goods manufacturer in an international arbitration
Advice to various international and UAE-based clients on arbitration-related matters, including construction, commercial and investment treaty arbitration matters in the UAE.
As Arbitrator/Expert
Served on an Expert Panel in three ICANN .gTLD cases administered by the ICC Centre of Expertise
Served as a panelist in a number of WIPO disputes concerning i.e., domain names
Serving as a sole arbitrator in a DIAC arbitration case seated in Dubai, UAE
Part V (Court Decisions) of Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Volume XLII (2017)(with M. Nasreddine)
UAE Chapter in Commercial Arbitration, Global Arbitration Review (2018)(co-author with T Snider and D Al Houti)
Chapter entitled ‘Overview of Recent EU-Related Developments in Commercial and Investor-State Arbitration’, in Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2015 (ed. Rovine)(2016)
Co-Editor, “Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the European Union and Canada (CETA)”, TDM 1 (2016)
National Report on Ireland in World Arbitration Reporter (2018)(with E. Crowley)
Chapter entitled ‘European Bilateral Approaches’ in International Investment Law: A Handbook (ed. Bungenberg, Griebel et al) (2015) (with Z. Akcay)
Chapter entitled ‘How Important Is It To Develop A Coherent Case Law?: The Role Of Judicial Dialogue In Investment Arbitration’ in Droit européen (Le) et l'investissement, Colloque (2011)
Chapter entitled ‘Going to Pieces without Falling Apart: Wälde’s Defence of ‘Specialisation’ in the Interpretation of Investment Treaties’ in Liber Amicorum: Thomas Walde, Law Beyond Conventional Thought, edited by Thomas Wälde, Jacques Werner and Arif Hyder Ali (2009)
Chapter on ‘Enforcement’ in Practical Aspects Of Arbitrating EC Competition Law (Schulthess, Zurich) (with S. Wade) (2007)
Chapter on ‘Ireland’ in Transnational Litigation: A Practitioner’s Guide, (ed. John Fellas) (co-author with A. Collins and P.A. McDermott) (2006).
Recent Articles:
“Slovak Republic v. Achmea: A Disproportionate Judgment?”, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, Sep 14, 2018
“Could BITs and BATs be combined to ensure access to human rights remedies?”, Columbia FDI Perspectives, No. 229, July 2, 2018
“Has the Time come for Full and Frank Financial Disclosure in International Commercial Arbitration?,” ICC Institute Newsletter (2017) (nominated for GAR Award)
“Should the European Union regulate commercial arbitration?”, Arbitration International (2017) 33 (1): 81-98
“The revision of Article 257 of the UAE Penal Code”, ICC Institute Newsletter, No 8 (2017)
“The Revision of Article 257 of the UAE Penal Code: Concerns, Context, and a call to Countermand”, International Journal of Arab Arbitration, Volume 8 - No. (2) (co-author with Hassan Arab & Malak Nasreddine)
“The Revision of Article 257 of the UAE Penal Code: A problem also for Party-Appointed Experts?”, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 10 March 2017
“Arbitrating in Abu Dhabi's commercial freezone - an overview”, Global Arbitration Review, February 06, 2017
"State Courts and the Proposed New Investment First Instance and Appellate Decisions", TDM 1 (2017)
“The Rule of Law and Alternatives to Investment Arbitration”, European Investment Law and Arbitration Review (EILARev), 2016
“How to navigate the UAE’s complex jurisdictions”, The Lawyer, Sept 2016 (with T. Shrayh)
“The EU proposal for an Investment Court System: what lessons can be learned from the Arab Investment Court?", Columbia FDI Perspectives, Aug. 29, 2016
“Arbitration Awards as Works of Art”, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, June 1, 2016
“When is investor-state dispute settlement appropriate to resolve investment disputes? An idea for a rule-of-law ratings mechanism,” Columbia FDI Perspectives, June 8, 2015
“International Commercial Arbitration - Procedural Approaches: Civil Law versus Common Law”, Transnational Dispute Management, January 2015 (with A. Ndong)
“Cost allocation in investment arbitration: Forward toward incentivization”, Columbia FDI Perspective No. 123 June 9, 2014 (with J. Nicholson)
Achieving sustainable development objectives in international investment: Could future IIAs impose sustainable development-related obligations on investors?”, Columbia FDI Perspective (co-author with J. Sarvanantham)
“Intra-EU BITs: Toothless Tigers Or Do They Still Bite?”, SchiedsVZ 2013, Heft 2, 68 (German Arbitration Journal) (co-author with J. Schaefer)
“Should Investment Treaty Tribunals Be Permitted to Request Preliminary Rulings From the Court of Justice of the European Union?”, Transnational Dispute Management, Vol. 2 (2013)
“EU Member State Defends Measures Adverse to Energy Sector Investments on the basis of EU law,” in King & Spalding Energy Newsletter (February 2013) (with C. Soule)
“Case Comment – Slovak Republic v. Eureko B.V., OLF Frankfurt (10 May 2012),” in The Paris Journal of International Arbitration, Vol. 4, (2012) (with C. Soule)
“Threats to Investment Protection in the EU Energy Sector,” in King & Spalding Energy Newsletter (August 2012)
“Non-party Autonomy: Displacing the Negative effect of the Principle of ‘Competence-Competence’ in England?” in 1 Journal of International Arbitration (2012)
“How Important is it to Develop a Coherent Case Law?: The Role of Judicial Dialogue in Investment Arbitration” in Le droit européen et l'arbitrage d'investissement (2011).
“Tilting at Windmills?: The Quest for Independence of Party-Appointed Expert Witnesses in International Arbitration,” Asian Dispute Review, July 2011 (co-author with G. O’Leary).
“EC Law and Intra-EU Investment Treaties: AES Summit Generation Limited and AES-Tisza Eromu Kft. v. Republic of Hungary,” KLRCA Newsletter, October 2010.
“Counsel Must Ensure The Right Of Cross-Examination In Arbitration”, International Litigation Quarterly (Fall 2010)
“Abuse of Process in Investment Treaty Arbitration”, Journal of World Investment & Trade, Vol. 11 No. 4 (August 2010)
“West Tankers: Fuelling the Debate on the Position of Arbitration” (co-author with Colm P. McInerney), The International Litigation Quarterly, Vol. 25, Issue 3 (Summer 2009)
“Is an investment treaty tribunal entitled to dismiss a claim where it amounts to an ‘abuse of process?”, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, August 4, 2009
“The New York Convention: A Basis For The Enforcement By National Courts Of A Justiciable Liberty Of Decision Of The Arbitral Tribunal,” in The New York Convention: 50 Years Of Experience, Mealey’s Executive Summary (Oct. 2008)
“Precedent in the United Nations Compensation Commission,” 5(3) TDM (May 2008)
“The ‘Effective Ordinary Meaning’ of BITs and the Jurisdiction of Treaty-Based Tribunals to Hear Contract Claims,” Volume 8, No.1 Journal of World Investment & Trade5 (Mar. 2007)(with J. L. Loftis)
“Jurisdiction ratione temporis of ICSID Tribunals: Lucchetti and Jan De Nul considered,” 3(5) Transnational Dispute Management (2006)
“Immunity of arbitrators from suit,” IBA Committee D Newsletter, Vol. XI, No. 1, at 26 (Feb. 2006)(with P. Griffin)
“European Community Law and International Arbitration: A recent OGEMID discussion,” Transnational Dispute Management, Vol. 2, No. 5 (Nov. 2005)
“Salini v. Jordan - An Important Contribution To ICSID Jurisprudence on Jurisdictional Issues,” 20(4) Int’l Arb. Rep. 35 (2005)
“Ireland- Scope of arbitration clause,” 9(2) Arb. & ADR 62 (2004)
“The Group of Companies Doctrine and the Law Applicable to the Arbitration Agreement,” 19(6) Int’l Arb. Rep. 47 (2004)
“Confidentiality in International Arbitration: A Recent English Decision,” 18(5) Int’l Arb. Rep. 18 (2003)
“Ex Parte Measures in International Arbitration,” 17(11) Int’l Arb. Rep. 39 (2002)
“Evidentiary privileges in international arbitration – Ireland,” 7(2) Arb. & ADR 36 (2002)
“The Bay Hotel Case: Accommodating the Parties’ Wishes,” 17(1) Int’l Arb. Rep. 31 (2002)(with D. Rosenblum)
‘International, Foreign and Domestic Arbitrations and the Granting of Interim Relief in Ireland’, 16(9) Int’l Arb. Rep. 37 (2001) (with O. O’Sullivan).
Recent Conferences, Lectures, and Seminars:
Presentation on UAE Law to the DIFC Courts' Annual Judges Meeting, DIFC (Nov 2018)
Visiting Lecturer, International Commercial Arbitration, Paris Sorbonne University, Abu Dhabi (March 2018)(with Michael Hwang SC)
Panelist, "Rethinking the Role of Courts and Judges in Supporting Arbitration in Africa", Lagos Court of Arbitration Centre, 2016
Speaker, International Arbitration Symposium, CILS, Salzburg, Jun. 2016
Speaker, EFILA Conference, Paris, Feb. 2016
Moderator, “Queen Mary School of International Arbitration – Inaugural Working Seminar on Group Claims in Arbitration”, Nov. 2015
Moderator & Speaker, "The Confluence of EU Law And International Arbitration—Both Commercial and Investor-State", 10th Annual Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation, Fordham Law School, New York, Nov. 2015
Speaker, Energy Disputes, CIArb Centenary Conference, Dublin, Oct. 2015
Speaker ICC PIDA conference, Dubai, 2014
Speaker, McGill University & QMUL, CETA Conference, Montreal, 2014
Speaker, Eighth Dublin Forum on Resolution of International Commercial Disputes, Dublin, 2014
Keynote speaker, CIArb European Branch AGM and Conference, Warsaw, 2014
Panelist, “Non-enforcement of Arbitration Awards as Breaches of Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) obligations”, ICC YAF Conference, Bangalore, 2014
Panelist, Inaugural Conference of the CIArb Young Members Group in Dublin on “Investment Arbitration: Fit for purpose?’, Dublin, 2012
Speaker, Journée d’étude/Seminar, Le droit européen et l’arbitrage d’investissement, European Law and Investment Arbitration, Paris, 2010
Speaker, UCC Annual Law Conference, Cork, Ireland, on “The Impact of European Community Law in Irish Litigation”, November 2008
Panelist, Arbitration and ADR Section, International Bar Association Annual Meeting, Singapore, 2007
Panelist, International Arbitration Seminar, Association International de Jeunes Avocats (AIJA) Congress, Geneva, 2006.