Frants Dalgaard-Knudsen
Amerika Plads 37
Copenhagen DK-2100
Attorney-at-law in Plesner Law Firm (1990-), Head of Corporate/Commercial Dept. in Plesner 2002-2014; National expert with European commission and Corte Suprema di Cassazione, Rome 1987-1989, Research Fellow, European University Institute, Florence 1984-1987.
London Court of International Arbitration, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, International Arbitration Institute, Association Suisse de I’Arbitrage, International Bar Association (IBA), American Society of International Law, Højesteretsskranken (A Danish association of experienced Supreme Court litigators).
Danish Arbitration Institute
Over 100 arbitrations as lead counsel or co-counsel in particular regarding large construction projects and technical deliveries in Denmark, including the major bridges in Denmark and the Copenhagen Metro and other infrastructure projects, e.g. highways, heating plants, airports and building projects, as well as regarding business transactions, takeovers and joint ventures. The fora include Scandinavian foras mainly, but also ad hoc arbitrations in respect of matters in Middle East, Africa and Caribbean countries. The arbitration experience includes a number of arbitrations as party-appointed arbitrator and also as chairman or sole arbitrator appointed by the Danish Arbitration Institute.
Danelaws on Contracts, Denmark (526 pp, 2015), International Civil Procedures, Denmark (co-author), 1995; Mineral Concessions and Law in Greenland (dissertation), 1991; “Udvindingskoncessioners retlige kvalificering” (The Legal Qualification of Mining Concessions), 1987 and a high number of articles in various publications.