David Alan Redfern

1 Essex Court
Temple, London EC4Y 9AR
Senior Litigation Partner, Freshfields (1963–1995); Arbitrator in International Commercial Disputes
Chartered Inst. of Arbitrators (Fellow); Vice-President International Court of Arbitration of ICC Paris; non-executive Director of LCIA, London; IBA
Chartered Inst. of Arbitrators; AAA (International Panel); Dubai Chamber of Commerce (International Panel)
a leading authority on international commercial arbitration; acted as chairman, sole arbitrator or party-nominated arbitrator in numerous cases, not only in London but worldwide; believes strongly in effective case management by arbitral tribunals and in the prompt delivery of Awards; Experienced in the conduct of ad hoc arbitrations, as well as those conducted under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules and under the leading arbitral regimes, including ICC, LCIA, UNCITRAL, AAA and ICDR. These arbitrations have included insurance and reinsurance claims; research, development and distribution claims; international joint venture agreements; damage claims in different areas of activity,
including plant supply, computer software, telecommunications and financing; international construction projects; oil and gas industry claims, both onshore and off-shore; and international defence contracts: has also given expert evidence in matters relating to international arbitration
Co-author of Redfern and Hunter Law and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration, which is now in its fifth edition (2009) and a contributor to The Leading Arbitrators’ Guide to International Arbitration: gave the annual Queen Mary College/Freshfields lecture (on dissenting opinions) in 2004 and the annual Master’s Lecture of the Company of Arbitrators in the following year.