Howard R. Reiss

Reiss Sheppe LLP
425 Madison Avenue
19th Floor
New York, New York 10017
Partner, Reiss, Eisenpress & Sheppe, 1988 to 2015;
Partner, Solin & Breindel, 1985-88;
Associate Attorney, Donovan, Leisure, Newton & Irvine, 1978-84;
Law Clerk, Judge Charles Metzner, Southern District of New York, 1976-77.
Association of the Bar of the City of New York (Committee on ADR); New York State Bar Association (Section on Alternate Dispute Resolution and Executive Committee); College of Commercial Arbitrators (Fellow); Dartmouth Lawyers’ Association; New York State Dispute Resolution Association; Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; Litigation Counsel of America (Fellow); Panel Member, International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution (CPR).
American Arbitration Association, International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR), FINRA (Panel Member), and Mediation Panel for the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York and for Commercial Division of the New York County Supreme Court
Mr. Reiss has served as an arbitrator in over 250 matters over the past 30 years for the American Arbitration Association as a sole arbitrator, as a panel member and as chairman of the panel. These include, among other matters, a lengthy hearing involving two Fortune 100 companies concerning the alleged breach of a drug fulfillment contract that involved claims in excess of $250M; a lengthy hearing concerning an alleged fraud in the acquisition of a large corporation that raised numerous accounting and valuation issues; a lengthy hearing involving a Fortune 100 company over a supply contract with respect to power generation involving claims in excess of $50M; a lengthy hearing involving a Fortune 100 company concerning patents claims in excess of $50M, which involved extensive discovery and motion practice; a lengthy hearing involving a dispute with an international franchisor and a large franchisee, which included a hearing on a motion for a preliminary injunction; a hearing involving compensation under FIFRA, a hearing involving a group of single room occupancy hotels in New York City; a hearing involving a large design contract; a hearing concerning the breach of a large event contract with respect to the Superbowl; a number of hearings involving publication rights and insurance coverage with respect to directors and officers liability and theft coverage; a hearing involving the management contract of a well-known performer; hearings involving securities including claims with respect to mergers and stock valuations, as well as misrepresentation and fraud; a hearing involving a partnership dispute with respect to a chain of retail stores; a hearing involving the break-up of a computer service company; a hearing involving a Fortune 100 company concerning franchise and intellectual property rights; a hearing concerning computer programming and hearings involving mergers and acquisitions, partnership breakups involving law firms and other business entities. Has also served as a mediator in numerous matters for the Southern District of New York, the New York County Supreme Court and the American Arbitration Association, as well as in private mediations. He also serves as arbitrator in privately administered disputes.