Brigitte Stern

7 rue Pierre Nicole
Paris 75005
Law Professor, Dijon University (1970–1980); Law Professor, Paris 10 University (1980–1989); Director for Law & Economy, Ministry of Education (1989–1991); President, French National Commission for the Elimination of Landmines (1998–2004); Adjunct Professor, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva (2000–2008); Director, CERDIN, Centre d’étude et de recherche en droit international (1991–2007); Member and Vice-president, the United Nations Administrative Tribunal (UNAT) (2001–2009)
ICSID List of Conciliation and of Arbitration, since 1992,renewal in 2006; List of the French National Committee of the ICC; List of arbitrators of the Commercial Conciliation and Arbitration Centre of the Dubai CCI; Member of the list of panelists of WTO, on presentation by France
Counsel before the International Court of Justice.: Member of international arbitral tribunals, as Sole arbitrator, Co-arbitrator or President in ICSIC, ICC, NAFTA, CAFTA, Energy Charter Treaty, UNCITRAL, SCC and ad hoc arbitration cases: Consultant and expert for lawyers, companies (Dumez, KPMG …), and international organisations, notably CERN and Interpol
- 20 ans de jurisprudence de la Cour internationale de Justice. 1975-1995, La Haye, Nijhoff, 1998, 1055 p.
- 0 Contencioso dos Investimentos Internacionais, (Préface de Luiz Olavo Baptista), Brazil, Manole, Série Entender o mundo, 2003, 142 p.
- Brigitte Stern and Hélène Ruiz Fabri (Sous la direction de/Edited by):
La jurisprudence de l'OMC/The Case Law of the WTO;
- 1996-1997, Leiden/Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Pub., 2004, 354 p.
- 1998-1, Leiden/Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Pub., 2005, 283 p.
- 1998-2, Leiden/Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Pub., 2006, 224 p.
- 1999-1, Leiden/Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Pub., 2006, 284 p.
- 1999-2, Leiden/Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Pub., 2008, 317 p.
- «Trois arbitrages, un même problème, trois solutions : les nationalisations pétrolières libyennes devant l'arbitrage international », Revue de l'arbitrage, 1980, pp. 1-43.
- « La protection diplomatique des investissements internationaux. De la Barcelona Traction à Sicula ou les glissements progressifs de l'analyse », JDI, (Clunet) 1990, n° 4, pp.881-931.
- « Le droit de propriété, l'expropriation et la nationalisation dans la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme », DPCI, 1991, Tome 17, n°3,
- « How to Regulate Globalization? », in Michael Byers, The Role of Law in International Politics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 275-296.
- « Un coup d’arrêt à la marginalisation du consentement dans l’arbitrage international » (A propos de l’arrêt de la Cour d’appel de Paris du 1er Juin 1999) », Revue de l’arbitrage, 2000, n° 3, pp. 403-427.
- « Relaçoes Internacionais Econômicas e o Mecanismo de Soluçao de Controvérsias do Acordo Multilateral sobre Investimentos (AMI) », Revista de Pos-Graduacao da Facultade de Direito da USP, 2000, pp. 63-76.
- « Le consentement à l’arbitrage CIRDI en matière d’investissement international : que disent les travaux préparatoires ? », in les Mélanges Philippe Kahn, Souveraieté étatique et marchés internationaux à la fin du XXème siècle Paris, Litec, 2000, pp. 223-244.
- « L’entrée de la société civile dans l’arbitrage entre Etat et investisseur », Revue de l’arbitrage, 2002, N° 2, pp. 329-345.
- « O ingresso da sociedade civil na arbitragem entre Estado e investidor », Revista de Arbitragem e mediação, N°1, janvier-avril 2004, pp. 101-113.
- « ICSID Arbitration and the State’s Increasingly Remote Consent: Apropos the Maffezini Case », in Steve Charnovitz, Debra P. Steger and Peter Van den Bossche (eds), Law in the Service of Human Dignity. Essays in Honour of Florentino Feliciano, Cambridge U. Press, Cambridge, 2005, pp. 247-260.
- « Un petit pas de plus : l’installation de la société civile dans l’arbitrage CIRDI entre Etat et investisseur », Revue de l’arbitrage, 2007, N° 1, pp. 3-43.
- « In Search of the Frontiers of Indirect Expropriation », A. Rovine (ed), Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation, La Haye, Kluwer, 2008, pp. 31-53.
- «United States – Sections 301-310 of the Trade Act of 1974», in B. Stern & H. Ruiz Fabri (eds), The Case Law of the WTO/La jurisprudence de l'OMC; 1999-2, Leiden/Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Pub., 2008, pp. 188-222.
- «Etats-Unis – Articles 301-310 de la Loi de 1974 sur le commerce extérieur», in B. Stern & H. Ruiz Fabri (eds), The Case Law of the WTO/La jurisprudence de l'OMC; 1999-2, Leiden/Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Pub., 2008, pp. 188-222.
- “Are Some Issues too Political to be Arbitrable?” dans/in ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal, Spring 2009, pp. 66-84.
- “The Contours of the Notion of Protected Investment”, dans/in ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal, Fall 2009, pp. 534-551.
- “Interpretation in International Trade Law”, dans/in Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Olufemi Elias & Panos Merkouris (eds), Treaty Interpretation and the Vienna Convention on the Law of treaties: 30 Years on, Leiden, Boston, Nijhoff, 2010, pp. 111-128.
- The Extent of State Responsibility for States and State Entities in Investment Arbitration”, dans/in ASA Special Series N° 34, edited by Anne Hoffmann (Bulletin of ASA, Association suisse d’arbitrage), May 2010, pp. 147-164.
- “Are there New Limits on Access to International Arbitration”, dans/in ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal, Spring 2010, pp.1-11.
- “The Scope of Investor Protection under the ICSID/BIT Mechanism:Recent Trends”, in A. Rovine (ed), Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation, La Haye, Kluwer, 2011, pp. 33-49.
- “The Future of International Investment Law: A Balance Between the Protection of Investors and the States’ Capacity to Regulate” in José E. Alvarez and Karl P. Sauvant (eds), The Evolving International Investment Regime. Expectations, Realities; Options, Oxford, Oxford U. Press, 2011, pp. 174-192.
- “The Positive Effect of Compétence-Compétence From a Public International Law Perspective and a Private Law Perspective” (en français, sauf the titre!), in Salim Moolan (ed), Rethinking Jurisdiction, Competence – Competence and Separability.