Sir Franklin D. Berman
Essex Court Chambers
24 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
London WC2A 3EG
United Kingdom
Legal Adviser to the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1991-99; Judge ad hoc International Court of Justice; Chairman, Diplomatic Service Appeals Board (UK); Chairman, Appeals Boards, International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund and Western European Union; Chairman, Claims Committee, Austrian General Settlement Fund; Legal Member, Court of Arbitration under the Indus Waters Treaty.
COMBAR; LCBA; LCIA; ICCA; ILA; KLRCA; British Institute of International & Comparative Law; American Society of International Law.
ICSID Panel of Arbitrators; Member, Permanent Court of Arbitration.
Numerous appointments as party-appointed arbitrator or as chairman, under ICSID (including Annulment Committees), LCIA, SCC, ICC, PCA, or ad hoc.
Numerous articles in learned journals; General Editor: McNair’s Law of Treaties; OUP Library of International Law.