Miriam Galandová
Hurbanovo námestie 3
Bratislava 811 06
Tax Consultant, Arthur Andersen, Bratislava, Slovakia (1997-2003); Associate, White & Case, law firm, Bratislava, Slovakia (2003-2008); Partner, White & Case, law firm, Bratislava, Slovakia (2008-2011), Lecturer, Comenius University, Faculty of Law, Bratislava, Slovakia (2008)
Slovak Bar Association, Slovak Chambers of Tax Advisors; Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, UK, (fellow); Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK, FCCA, (fellow); Fiscal Committee of Confederation Fiscale Européenne (member); Head of Transfer Pricing Group at the Confederation Fiscale Européenne; Tax Committee established by the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia (member)
VIAC List of Practitioners, List of Arbitrators of the Arbitration Court of the Slovak Bar Association
Over 20 arbitrations as counsel, appointed arbitrator, sole arbitrator or chairman.
“Arbitration – is it a real alternative to the courts in commercial matters?”, speaker at Seminar organized by ACCA, January 2017; Article “Taxation of income from crime” (Zdaňovanie príjmov z trestnej činnosti), in Trestněprávní revue, no.10/2016; "Testing of independence and impartiality of arbitrators in Slovak environment“, speaker at the Arbitration Conference, organized by Comenius University and American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia, Bratislava, April 2016; "How decision-making of commercial disputes in arbitration is limited“, speaker at the Arbitration Conference, organized by Comenius University and American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia, Bratislava, April 2015; Article "European Union: The VAT liability of arbitrators“, (co-author), Tax Planning International, Indirect Taxes, BNA Bloomberg, Volume 11, Number 1, January 2013; Article ”Importance of the Seat of Arbitration and Selection Criteria", Mýľniky práva v stredoeurópskom priestore, 2012; Article "VAT aspects of arbitration“ (co-author), Justičná revue, 65, č. 6-7/2013; Speaker at the Conference “International Commercial Arbitration”, Bratislava, June 2009 ; Slovak Chapter in “International Comparative Legal Guide to International Arbitration 2009”, (co-author), Global Legal Group; Slovak Chapter in “Corporate Tax” in years 2008 -2011, International Comparative Legal Guide; Article “Tax Planning Involving The Slovak Republic following its Acession to the European Union”, BNA´s Eastern Europe Reporter, June 2005; Article “Finance vs. Operating Lease in Slovak Law”, Investment Advisory Guide, Slovak Spectator, 2004 ; Article “Slovak Enterprise Deals have Distinct Tax Advantages”, Tax Analysts, January 2004 ; Article “Sale of Enterprise – Selected Tax and Legal Considerations”, Investment Advisory Guide, Slovak Spectator, 2003