Agostinho Pereira de Miranda

Rua Soeiro P. Gomes, L1
1600-196 Lisbon
Managing Partner, Miranda Correia Amendoeira & Associados (2001–2006); Partner, Pereira de Miranda & Associados (1987–2001); Attorney, Chevron Corp./Gulf Oil (1982–1987); Partner in Law Offices of F.S. Tavares (1978–1982); District Attorney, Lisbon Justice Dept. (1974–1978); Teacher of Contract Law in Angola (1973–1974)
ABA, IBA, ICDR, AIPN, ABOTA, IATL, ICC Portuguese National Committee, Portuguese Arbitration Association
ICSID Panels of Arbitrators and of Conciliators; Partyappointed Arbitrator in ICC cases; Arbitration panels in Portugal, Angola and Mozambique
Counsel in ICC, UNCITRAL and LCIA cases in Brazil, Portugal, United Kingdom and Angola
“A Code of Ethics for Portuguese Arbitrators” (2009); “Private Investment in African Portuguese speaking Countries” (2003); “Angolan Mining Law” (1997, co-author), “The US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act : The American ideal in the Land of Foreign Trade” (1989); “Extra-territorial Implications of FCPA Statutory Rules” (1988); “The Tax Structure of Angolan Petroleum E&P Operations” (1982).