Mauro Rubino-Sammartano

3, viale Cassiodoro
20145 Milan
Visiting Professor, Arbitration Law, University of Padua 2005-2006; 2003-2004; Visiting Professor, Commercial Arbitration Law, University of Milan, 1997-1998; Lecturer, International Arbitration, University of Padua, 1987-1989; President, Unione Camere Internazionali (Italian Section of International Attorneys); Honorary Investment Counsellor of Pakistan for Italy; Président d’Honneur, Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA); Chairman Emeritus, International Committee of the Milan Bar; Council Member, International Bar Association (IBA); Offices formerly held: Vice Secretary of the Consular Corps of Milan; Chairman Emeritus, SBL’s International Construction Projects; Secretary-General Emeritus of the Federation of European Bars; President Emeritus of the Italian Society of Construction Law; Co-Editor of Foro Padano; Président d’Honneur, Association Internationale des Juristes de langue Italienne; Recorder of Desio, 1964-1969; Deputy Judge (Court of Monza); Honorary Consul in Milan of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan; Chairman of SBL’s International Sales and Related Commercial Transaction; IBA Deputy Secretary General for Southern Europe (appointment not served, due to a simultaneous nomination as President of Union Internationale des Avocats); President of the European Society for Construction Law
Honorary Member of the Sofia and Istanbul Bars; formerly SBL Council Member; formerly Member, IBA Publication Committee
Chartered Arbitrator (U.K.); Door Tenant of Littleton Chambers, London, as an International Arbitrator; formerly Chairman, The Mediterranean and Middle East Institute of Arbitration
A Second (Quasi-Perfect?) Storm also in Arbitration?
A Continuous Search for New Horizons
--Select Bibliography--Textbooks: “Il Diritto dell’Arbitrato”, (Arbitration Law), Cedam, 6th Ed. 2011; “International Arbitration: Law and Practice”, Kluwer, 2nd Ed. 2001; “Arbitrato, Conciliazione e ADR” (Arbitration, Mediation and ADR), Zanichelli, Gen. Ed. 2008; “Appalti d’Opere e Contratti di Servizi” (Construction Contracts and Contracts for Services), Cedam, 3rd Ed. 2006; “Warranties in Cross Border Acquisitions”, (Gen. Ed.) Graham & Trottman, London, 1994; “Garanzie nella compravendita di pacchetti azionari e di imprese”, Giuffré, 2006; “The Section on Italy of “Practitioner’s Handbook on International Arbitration”, (Weigand Ed.) Beck, 2002; “Submitting and Presenting Evidence, The Arbitration Process” (Gen. ed. Campbell), Kluwer, 2001; “La soluzione delle controversie in materia di appalti”, (The Disputes Resolution in Construction Contracts), “L’appalto privato”, (Ed. Costanza), Utet, 2000, 532; “Public Policy in Transnational Relationships” (Co-Gen. Ed.) Kluwer, 1991; “Performance Bonds” in “International Business Transactions”, (Eds. Campbell and Proksch), Kluwer, 1988; “Drafting and Enforcing Contracts in Civil and Common Law Jurisdiction” (Gen. Eds. K. Yelpaala, M. Rubino-Sammartano and D. Campbell) Kluwer, 1986; and various other publications. ARTICLES ON ARBITRATION: Turning the Tanker: Anti-Suit and Anti-Arbitration Injunctions – Injunctions and Anti-Injunctions (2013), 79 Arbitration; Optional Additions to Standard Arbitration Agreements Issued by the European Court of Arbitration, Journal of International Arbitration, Vol. 30, Issue 2; A Continuous Search for New Horizons (Opening Address, International School of Arbitration and Mediation of the Mediterranean and the Middle East), ARIA, 2012, Vol. 23, no. 2; Investment Arbitration – Substantive and Procedural Issues (and perspectives ) in investment, Yearbook on International Arbitration, Vol. 2, 2011; The Fall of a Taboo - Review of the Merits of an Award by an Appellate Arbitration Panel and a Proposal for an International Appellate Court, J. Int. Arb. 2003, 20(4): 387-392, Developing Countries vis a vis International Arbitration, J. Intl. Arb. 1996, Vol. 13, No. 1; New International Arbitration Legislation in Italy, J. Intl. Arb., 1994, Vol. 11, No. 3; id. The Channel Tunnel and the Tronc Commun Doctrine, J. Intl. Arb., 1993, Vol. 10, No. 3; Amiable Compositeur (Joint Mandate to Settle) and Ex Bono et Aequo, J. Intl. Arb., 1992, Vol. 9, No. 1; id. Is Arbitration to Be Just a Luxury Clinic?, J. Intl. Arb., 1990, Vol. 7, No. 3; An International Arbitral Court of Appeal as an Alternative to Long Attacks and Recognition Proceedings, J. Intl. Arb. 1989, 181