Julia Dinamarco
Tutóia, #469/171
São Paulo 04007-002
ViaQuatro/CCR SA (since 2008). Embraer Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica, Assistant General Counsel (2004/2008) Demarest e Almeida Advogados – Partner (2000–2004); Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e Opice Advogados – Senior Attorney (1987-2000)
ILA International Law Association (Member, 2001); CBar–Comitê Brasileiro de Arbitragem (Member, 2001); ICC Task Force on “Arbitration on Antitrust and Merger Control Issues” (Member, 2002); Arbitration Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association – OAB/SP (Member, since 2004); Commission on Arbitration of the ICC (Member, 2005); ICC Task Force on “Reducing Time and Costs in Complex Arbitration” (Member, 2005); IAI – International Arbitration Institute (Member, since 2005)
Panel for the Court of Appeals of the State of São Paulo: Task Force for Conciliation in Judicial Litigation Cases (since 2006); SP Arbitral – Câmara de Arbitragem Empresarial de São Paulo (since 2006); “Câmara FGV de Mediação e Arbitragem” (since 2002)
Party-appointed arbitrator in AmCham panel (government-related dispute) and FIESP panel (sale and purchase international agreement). Counsel: Arbitrations under AAA, CIETAC, ICC, IFMA, LCIA, Zurich Chamber of Commerce, FIESP, AmCham, CCBC, in disputes involving construction, energy, commercial contracts
Graduate editor, N. Y. L. Sch. J. L. & Pol., 1997-1999; Arbitragem e Administração Pública, Revista da Associação dos Advogados de São Paulo (1997), “Algumas considerações sobre o caso judicial Copel v.EUG” (“Notes on the Copel v. UEG case”), in Editora Quartier Latin, Aspectos práticos da Arbitragem, pp. 779, 2006 (Luiz Fernando do Vale de Almeida Guilherme, coordinator); “O árbitro e as normas criadas judicialmente: notas sobre a sujeição do árbitro à súmula vinculante e ao precedente” (“The arbitrator and the rules prescribed by court adjudication: notes on court precedents and their bearing on arbitrators”), in Editora Atlas, Arbitragem: Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Guido da Silva Soares, pp. 305, 2007 (Selma Maria Ferreira Lemes, Carlos Alberto Carmona e Pedro Batista Martins, coordinator).