Alec J. Emmerson

PO Box 31645
Dubai, U.A.E.
Clyde & Co LLP, Guildford, Associate & Partner 1977-1983; Clyde & Co LLP, Hong Kong, Managing Partner 1983-1996; Clyde & Co LLP, London, International Partner 1996-1999; Clyde & Co LLP, Dubai, Head of MENA Disputes Group 1999-2008 and from 2008 Consultant.
IPBA; LCIA; FCIArb; Member of LCIA Court; SCL (Gulf); LMAA Supporting Member; Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Arbitrators; Vice Chairman -ICC-UAE Commission on Arbitration & ADR.
ADCCAC; AIAC (formerly KLRCA) (& certified adjudicator); BCDR-AAA; CRCICA; DIAC; EMAC; HKIAC; KCAB; SIAC (including Emergency Panel); SICAC; SZAC. Also appointed under DIFC-LCIA, EMAC, ICC, GCCCAC, LCIA & LMAA Rules.
Over 300 arbitrations as party counsel and more than 140 as co-arbitrator, presiding arbitrator or sole arbitrator under institutional and UNCITRAL Rules (and other ad hoc arbitrations).
ADCCAC Users Notes (2014 Rules – Publisher Lexis Nexis 2015); DIFC-LCIA Users Notes (2016 Rules – Publisher Lexis Nexis); Many articles on arbitration topics.