Charles Platto

Law Offices of Charles Platto
1020 Park Avenue ste 6B
New York, NY 10028
Partner, Cahill, Gordon & Reindel (1980–1991); Associate, Cahill, Gordon & Reindel (1971–1979); Associate, Cahill, Gordon & Reindel, Paris (1974–1976); Partner, Brooks McNally Whittington Platto & Vitt (1991–1999); Partner, Salans Hertzfeld & Heilbronn (1994–1997); Partner, Law Offices of Charles Platto (1999–2006; 2009–present); Partner, Wiggin & Dana (2007–2009); Adjunct Professor of Insurance Law, New York Univ. School of Law (1990–1994 ); Vermont Law School (1993– 2006 ); Fordham Law School (2002–present)
IBA (Chairman, International Litigation Committee, Section on Business Law); Chair, Task Force on Economic Consequences of Litigation Worldwide; New York State Bar Association (Committee on Business Law; Chairman, Committee on Commodities and Futures Law; House
of Delegates); American Bar Association, Vice Chair Tort Trial Insurance Practice Section Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee
AAA; U.S. District Court, E.D.N.Y.; ICC, CPR International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution
Chairman, EDNY case, KLM, re: commercial dispute (1987); Counsel, ICC case, Engelhard v. Probe, re: commercial dispute (1975); Counsel, Crum & Forster v. American Re Insurance, re: reinsurance; Counsel, Insurance Co. of State of PA. v. Kansas General Reinsurance & Co., re: reinsurance (1988–1989); Expert witness on New York Insurance Law, American Cyanamid v. ACE; IMC v. ACE (London 1993): Chairman, ICC panel, French American arbitration: member AAA panels in US commercial disputes; counsel in numerous insurance/reinsurance mediations and arbitrations, including JAMS and court sponsored
Obtaining Evidence in Another Jurisdiction in Business Disputes (Graham & Trotman 1988); Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Worldwide (Graham & Trotman 1989); Pre-Trial and Pre-Hearing Procedures Worldwide (Graham & Trotman 1990); U.S. Supreme Court Establishes Rules for Discoveries of Foreign Parties, Int’l. Bus. L. (1987); Taking Evidence Abroad for Use in Civil Cases in the U.S.—A Practical Guide, Int’l Lawyer (1982); Trial and Court Procedures Worldwide (1991); Civil Appeals Worldwide (1992); Product Liability Insurance chapter of NYSBA Products Liability Handbook (1997, 2001, 2010); Litigation and Arbitration in Central Europe (1998); Economic Consequences of Litigation Worldwide (1999); New York Rejects Bad Faith Tort and Limits Punitive Damage Claims (1996); A Practical Guide to Use of Experts in Insurance Claim Adjustment (22001, 2010); New York’s New Good Faith Standard (2008); What Is the Law of Bad Faith of New York (2010).