Anghelos C. Foustoucos
Iofontos 29
Athens 11634
Attorney at law, Supreme Court of Greece (1976- ); Athens Court of Appeal (1966-1976); Athens Court of First Instance (1962-1965); Head of Legal Department, Athens Technical Univ. (1983-1986); Head of Legal Department, Greek Telecommunications Org. (1982-1983); Counsel, Parsons & Whittemore, Inc., New York (1975-1986); Counsel, Parsons & Whittemore, Inc., France (1968-1973); Counsel, Hellenic Plastics and Rubber Industry (1964-1967, 1974- ); Counsel, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., London (1964-1966); Counsel, Roussel Hellas S.A. (1985-1996); Counsel Motorola A.E. (1998- )
Athens Bar Assoc.; Societe de Legislation Comparée, Paris; Greek Arbitration Assoc. (Vice President); Greek Procedural Law Society; ICC (Inst. of International Business Law and Practice); ILA
AAA; Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Hellenic Chamber of Shipping; ICC Court of Arbitration; ICSID
Member of the Milan Club of Arbitrators; Chairman, several ICC cases, re: international sales, construction; party-appointed arbitrator, ad hoc and ICC cases; counsel, ad hoc and professional association cases, including GAFTA, Dutch Coffee Merchants Assoc., Piraeus Commodities Exchange
Author of numerous articles on international arbitration in professional journals and books.