Alfred Joseph Hoogveld
8, Rue De Presbourg
Paris 75116
Partner Loyens & Loeff, 1984-2000
IBA committees on Dispute resolution and Arbitration; registered with Netherlands Arbitration Institute (NAI); Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA); Cairo Regional Center for International Arbitration CRCICA; ICC.
Counsel for a Dutch contractor (claimant) in a NAI arbitration against a Spanish employer (respondent) over a dispute arising out of the construction and commissioning of a desalination plant in the Middle East. Dutch law applicable; Counsel for a major European military vehicle producer (claimant) in an ICC arbitration in a dispute (case settled) with a Chinese jointventure partner regarding a multi-annual renewal program of the armed ground forces of a Middle East state. Dutch law applicable.k Sole Arbitrator in an ICC Arbitration over a construction and engineering dispute between an Irish and a Hungarian party concerning the construction of an energy plant in Kazakhstan.
Issue: legal effect of pre-contractual arrangements. Swiss law applicable; Chairman of an ICC tribunal in a construction dispute between two major railway manufacturers from Germany and Canada, Issues: interpretation of contract; scope of deliveriesand time limits; contractual good faith; causal link between damages and lack of performance; Co-arbitrators French and German. French law applicable; Chairman of an ICC tribunal in a dispute between two major manufacturers in the electronics Industry from France and India, Issues:
jurisdiction; mixed distribution contracts; sale of goods; exchange of know-how;Sole Arbitrator In an ICC Arbitration between a Middle Eastern constructor and a Scandinavian employer over an engineering dispute regarding high-tech Infrastructures in Eastern Europe, Issues: jurisdiction, applicable law (Ukrainian law; principles of Equity and Justice), defective construction, (un)lawful termination of contract; Co-Arbitrator in an ICC arbitration over a major road construction dispute in Africa between an African state and a contractor from
South East Asia, Issues: site preparation, mobilization of means, (un)lawful termination of contract, Worldbank financing.