L. Yves Fortier

1 Place Ville Marie
Bureau 2822
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H3B 4R4
Attorney, Norton Rose Fulbright and predecessor Firm Ogilvy Renault (Chairman, Senior Partner, 1992 to 2012), Ambassador, Judge Ad Hoc International Court of Justice.
Canadian Bar Association (National President, 1982-83); ABA (honorary); American College of Trial Lawyers (ACTL), member Board of Regents (1992-97); London Court of International Arbitration (President 1998-2001).
Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS); ICC, CPR Institute of Arbitration; AAA; Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC); LCIA; International Center for Settlement of Investment Dispute (ICSID); Canadian Council for International Business (CCIB); Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) International Court of Justice (ICJ).
Served as counsel in many domestic and international arbitrations (1979-); served as party-appointed arbitrator, sole arbitrator and chairman in more than 300 domestic and international institutional as well as ad hoc arbitrations (1986-88, 1992-); (ICC, LCIA, AAA, ICSID, PCA, ICJ, UNCITRAL, etc.)
(1) “From Confrontation to Co-operation on the High Seas: The United Nations Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks and the Evolution of the Law of the Sea” (1991 & 1995); (2) “Canada and the United; (3) Nations: A Half Century Partnership” (1996); “Diplomacy and Arbitration” (Canadian Arbitration and Mediation Journal); “International Arbitration on the Eve of the Millennium” (International Arbitration Law Review); (4) For the Kaplan Lecture in Hong Kong on 20 November 2014: Arbitrators, Corruption and the Poetic Experience (“When power corrupts, poetry cleanses”); (5) The 2002 Genest Lecture – “Un Québécois Canadien In The Roc’s Court”; (6) Caveat Investor : Investor Protection and the Resolution of Disputes Under Investment Treaties;” (7) Indirect Expropriation in the Law of International Investment: I Know It When I See It, or Caveat Investor”; (8) For the Fifth Annual UCL and Baker MacKenzie LLP International Law and Litigation Lecture at the London UCL Faculty of Laws on 17 November 2015: The Oceanic Feeling in International Adjudication The Twelfth Annual Goff Arbitration Lecture, Hong Kong; and many other lectures or publications in arbitration magazines.