Walther J. Habscheid
Schneehalde 44
D 88131 Lindau/B
Professor of Law, Geneva (1958- ) and Zurich (1983- ); Würzburg, Germany (1961-1983); Dean, Faculty of Law, Rector Univ. of Würzburg (1957-1959); Member of numerous governmental and academic commissions, international arbitrator, Vice President Administrative Tribunal, Bank of International Settlements, Basel (1986- ).
Member: Academia Europaea (London), Academia Europaea Scientiarum et Artium (Salzburg/Vienna), Académie de droit comparé (Paris), Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti (Messina); Honorary member: Japanese Assoc. of Procedural Law, Italian Assoc. of Procedural Law; Honorary President, Learned Assoc. of International Procedural Law; General Secretary, Assoc. Internationale de droit judiciaire; Member of the Council, German Assoc. of International Law, etc.
Numerous appointments as party-appointed arbitrator, chairman and counsel.
Manuals: Schweizerisches Zivilprozess-und Gerichtsorganisationsrecht (2nd ed. 1990); Droit Judiciaire privé Swisse (2nd ed. 1981); Introduzione al diritto processuale civile (1984); Freiwillige Gerichtsbarkeit (7th ed. 1983). Numerous other books, essays and articles.