Rudolf Tschäni

Brandschenkestrasse 24
8027 Zurich
ABA; IBA; International Fiscal Association; Swiss Arbitration Association; Swiss Bar Association; Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce; The London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA); Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (DIS).
More than seventy cases under the following Rules: ICC, Zurich Chamber of Commerce, Swiss Rules of International Arbitration, Arbitration Rules of the German-Swiss Chamber of Commerce, UNCITRAL, ad-hoc. Functions included chairman, sole arbitrator, co-arbitrator, secretary and counsel. Cases relating to M&A, joint ventures and industrial cooperation, construction and engineering, agency and distribution, licenses, infrastructure projects, commodity sales, finance and banking.
M&A-Transaktionen nach Schweizer Recht, 2nd edition, Zurich 2013; Streitigkeiten aus M&A-Transaktionen, Zurich 2013; Öffentliche Kaufangebote, 3rd edition, Zurich 2014; Post-closing Disputes on Representations and Warranties, in: ASA Special Series No. 24, 2005; M&A-Streitigkeiten in Schiedsverfahren, in: FS Peter Nobel, Bern 2005; Tschäni, R., Specific Issues in Different Types of Contractual Relations – Corporate Disputes, ASA Conference, 2008, 67 seq.