Reynaldo Urtiaga

Moliere 13, 301-A, Polanco, 11560, Mexico, D.F.
Significant experience in domestic and international arbitration proceedings as party-appointed arbitrator and counsel. Experience in Mexican court proceedings for the enforcement of international arbitration agreements and foreign arbitral awards.
Over 10 years of post-qualification experience in Mexican court litigation, mediation, and international arbitration
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (approved in June 2012 the accelerated route to fellowship program)
Professor of Arbitration Law at the National University of Mexico since 2002
Coach and Arbitrator at the Willem C Vis and Vis East since 2002
World Intellectual Property Organization
Arbitration Center of Mexico
Mexico's National Chamber of Commerce
Participated in dozens of domestic and international arbitration proceedings on a wide range of subjects including insurance, telecommunications, trademarks, software, agency, sales contracts, consulting agreements, etc.