Prof. Dr. Rolf Trittmann

Wöhlerstraße 6-10
60323 Frankfurt, Germany
Research Assistant at the University of Munich (1987-1988; Prof. Dr. Fikentscher); Associate with Bruckhaus Westrick Stegemann (1988-1992); Partner with Bruckhaus Westrick Heller Loeber, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (1993-2020); Founding partner of Trittmann&Partner mbB (2020 -present).
German Bar Association; International Bar Association; Member of the Council and Head of the Advisory Committee of the German Institute for Arbitration (DIS); London Court and International Arbitration (LCIA); German-American Bar Association (DAJV); American Bar Association (ABA).
Chambers & Partners, Tier 1 in Arbitraiton counsel as well as arbitrator; Law firms in Europe 1986, 1987, 1998, 1989-present; European counsel 3000 1998; JUVE Wirtshaftskanzleien 1998-present.
Counsel: Represented domestic and international clients in more than 130 cases before various arbitration institutions (ICC, DIS, LCIA, Zurich Chamber, ICDR, ad hoc, et al). Arbitrator: Experience as arbitrator in more than 100 cases (ICC, DIS, ad hoc, SCC, et al).
“Anwendungsprobleme des Hager Beweisabkommens im Verhältnis zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und der Bunderepublik Deutschland” (1988); author on German chapter in “Distribution law in Europe” (1992); author on a chapter on arbitration in Hopt, Vertrags +und Formularbuch zum Handels - , Gesellschafts-, Bank + und Transportrecht (1995); co-author of the “Arbitration Handbook,” Beck (1999).
See a full list of publications on the Trittman & Partner webpage: