Peter Chow

Acacia Arbitration Chambers Pte. Limited
Level 86, International Commerce Centre
1 Austin Road West,
West Kowloon
Hong Kong SAR
People’s Republic of China
Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators (Former Vice-President); IPBA (Council Member and Chair of Energy & Resources Committee); ICC Arbitration Committee (HK) and ICC Arbitrator Nomination Subcommittee (Member); ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR (Member); LexisNexis online Practical Guidance (Editorial Board).
Chartered Arbitrator; Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK) (Fellow); IAMA (Fellow); ACICA (Fellow); HKIArb (Fellow); SIArb (Fellow); SCMA (Member); LMAA (Supporting Member); Society of Construction Law (Singapore) (Former Council Member); Joint Mediation Helpline Office Ltd (Former Board of Directors); Hong Kong Maritime Law Association (Former Executive Committee Member); Law Society of Hong Kong (Member).
Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre; Singapore International Arbitration Centre; Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK) – Presidential Panel; China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission; Guangzhou Arbitration Commission; Weihai Arbitration Commission; Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration; Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators, Australia; Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration; Korean Commercial Arbitration Board; Pacific International Arbitration Center, Vietnam.
Over 25 years’ experience in international arbitration acting as counsel and arbitrator (sole arbitrator, presiding arbitrator and co-arbitrator) in many cases, including those involving ICC, HKIAC, SIAC, CIETAC, ICDR, AAA, NAI and UNCITRAL arbitral rules. Represented clients in some of the largest international arbitrations in Asia involving multibillion dollar claims.
Books: Arbitration in Hong Kong – A Practical Guide, 2nd, 3rd & 4th editions (Hong Kong), (Contributing Author) Sweet & Maxwell, 2011, 2014 and 2017; The Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations, 1st and 2nd editions (Hong Kong), (Contributing Author) Sweet & Maxwell, 2011 and 2015; Commercial Litigation in Hong Kong – A Practical Guide (Hong Kong), (Contributing Author) Sweet & Maxwell, 1st & 2nd editions, 2012 and 2017; Lexis Nexis Practical Guidance on Arbitration, Book Chapters on “ICSID Arbitration”, “Costs” and “Interim Measures”, (Contributing Author), 2014; “Managing and Resolving Business Disputes in China: Strategies, Pitfalls, and Practical Tips,” (Book Chapter) Inside the Minds: Best Practices for International Business Transactions in China [USA], 2009.
Articles: “Interim Measures in Hong Kong,” LexisNexis Arbitration, Spring 2015, produced to celebrate the School of International Arbitration, Queen Mary University of London 30th Anniversary Conference; “China Infrastructure Projects – Choosing the Right Contracting Structure,” The Real Estate Finance Journal (USA), Vol. 23, No. 3, Winter 2008:66-70; “Manifest Disregard of Law’ As a Ground For Refusing Enforcement of Award in Asia?” International Arbitration Law Review (UK), Issue 2, 2007:46-49; “Philippine Court of Appeal Refuses to Enforce ICC Tribunal Award,” Asian Dispute Review (Hong Kong), 2007:71-73; “Compulsion of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration: An Asia-Pacific Perspective,” (Co-author) Asian International Arbitration Journal (Singapore), Vol. 2, No. 1, 2006:32-59; “Issues in International Arbitration: Application of ‘Foreign’ Legislation,” Construction Law Journal (UK), Vol. 20, No. 5, 2004:262-277; “Enforcement of International Arbitration Agreements – A Case Study,” International Arbitration Law Review (UK), Issue 4, 2004:97-107; “Issues in International Commercial Arbitration: Court Assistance for Production of Documents and Obtaining Evidence of Witnesses,” The Arbitrator & Mediator (Australia), Dec. 2003:57-65; “Issues in International Commercial Arbitration: Conflict between Model Law and Arbitral Rules,” Building and Construction Law Journal (Australia), Vol. 19, 2003:426-430.