Nayla Comair-Obeid

Makarem Building
1st floor, Sami El-Solh Avenue.
PO box: 116/2234, Law Courts
Beirut 1109/2020
Senior Partner at Obeid Law Firm (1989- ); Professor of Law, Lebanese Univ; visiting Prof., Univ. of Paris II-Assas; Trustee of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (2009- ); Vice-Chair of the IBA (2010); Commissioner at the United Nations (Compensation Commission), Geneva (2002-2005); Member of the Corporate Governance Working Group of Islamic Banking (2004-2007); Chairperson of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Lebanon Branch (2004-2009); Member of the Expert Commission in charge of the elaboration of an Arab draft Law for guidance on Mediation and Conciliation (2006); Counselor for the Arab Users Council of the LCIA (2007).
Vice-Chair of the Arbitration committee of the IBA; Chartered Arbitrator of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; Member of the International Association of Lawyers; Member of the Legal Committee adviser of the Board of Directors of the Lebanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
Member of Council of the Institute of World Business Law, I.C.C; Member of the Committee of Arbitration, Beirut Bar.
Member, ICSID Panel of Arbitrators, designated by Lebanon, the Lebanese National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce, the American Arbitration Association (AAA), the Dubai Chamber of Commerce, the Qatar Chamber of Commerce, the G.C.C Commercial Arbitration Centre, Cairo Regional Center.
Since 1994, Prof. Comair-Obeid has been actively involved in domestic and international commercial arbitrations as party appointed arbitrator, chairperson, sole arbitrator, counsel and expert under the rules of ICC International Court of Arbitration, UNCITRAL, Dubai International Arbitration Centre and Cairo Regional centre. Amongst the parties engaged in these arbitrations have been states and state entities, telecommunications corporations, construction companies, distributors of various kinds of goods and equipment, banks and investment companies, hotel management corporations.
Arbitration in Lebanese Law – A Comparative Study (Delta, Beirut, 1999); The Law of Business contracts in the Arab Middle East (Kluwer, London,1996); Les Contrats en Droit Musulman des Affaires (Economica, Paris,1995).