Michael W. Bühler

Previously, counsel at the ICC International Court of Arbitration and in private practice in Paris since 1988, member of the International Court of Arbitration (1997–2009), co-chair of the Task Force of the ICC Commission on Arbitration on the Revision of the ICC Rules (2008–); Consultant to OHADA for the reform of the OHADA uniform arbitration and mediation laws, as well as the Arbitration Rules of the CCJA (2016-).
Acted in over 200 international arbitrations as lead counsel and in over 50 cases as arbitrator.
Handbook of ICC Arbitration–Commentary, Precedents, Materials, (co-author with Thomas Webster), Thomson Sweet & Maxwell, 3rd edition 2014, 4th edition to be published in 2018; Costs of Arbitration: Some Further Considerations, Global Reflections on International Law, Commerce and Dispute Resolution. Liber Amicorum in honour of Robert Briner–Paris: ICC Publishing–December 2005; 2005/06 Investment Disputes: Ten Questions for In-House Counsel, co-author, Practical Law Company; New York Law: Awards of Attorneys Fees in International Arbitration, co-author, Mealey’s Int’l Arb. Rep. Vol. 20, No. 5–May 2005;2002: Confidentiality Clauses in International Contracts / Les clauses de confidentialité dans les contrats internationaux, RDAI/IBLJ, N° 3/4 pp. 359–387; 2002: The Arbitration Rules of the International Chamber of Commerce, (co-author: Sigvard Jarvin) in: Practitioner’s Handbook on International Arbitration (Weigand ed., C.H. Beck-Djøf, Munich and Copenhagen); February 2000: Witness Testimony Pursuant to the 1999 IBA Rules of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration—Novel or Tested Standards? (co-author: Carroll Dorgan), J. Int’l Arb. 17(1) pp. 3–30; 1998: The German Arbitration Act 1997: Text and Notes, Kluwer, The Hague, (a tri-lingual publication); 1997: Correction and Interpretation of Awards and Advances on Costs, The New 1998 ICC Rules of Arbitration, Special Supplement of The ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin (pp. 53–58); 1992: Costs in ICC Arbitration: A Practitioner’s View, The American Review of International Arbitration (Vol. 3, Nos. 1–4, Essays in Honor of Hans Smit, pp. 117–152); GLOSSNER, coauthor with Glossner and J. Bredow, Das Schiedsgericht in der Praixis, Heidelberg, 1990, Third Edition; 1989: Technical Expertise: An Additional Means for Preventing or Settling Commercial Disputes, J. Int’l Arb. (Vol. 6, pp. 135–157); The 2017 ICC Expedited Rules: From Softball to Hardball? (Journal of International Arbitration, Vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 121-148).