Michael J. Bonell

via Panisperna, 28
00184 Rome
Legal consultant at the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), since 1970; Italian delegate to the United
Nations Commission of International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), since 1980
Associated member of the International Academy of Comparative Law; Corresponding member of the Institute of International Business
Law and Practice (ICC, Paris); Member of the International Academy of Commercial Law and Consumer Law
Italian Arbitration Association; The Chamber of National and International Arbitration of Milan; International Arbitral Centre of the Federal
Economic Chamber in Vienna; Hungarian Chamber of Commerce Court of Arbitration, Budapest
Counsel for the defense of the Italian government before the International Court of Justice in the case Raytheon v. ELSI; Chairman of arbitration tribunal in case no. 3018 (1991) at the Vienna Arbitration Centre; sole arbitrator in case no. 4318 (1992); sole arbitrator in the case no. 4366 (1993) (both at the Vienna Arbitration Centre)
Le regole oggettive del commercio internazionale (1976); Partecipazione operaia e diritto dell'impresa (1983); Commentary on the International Sales Law. The 1980 Vienna Sales Convention (1987) (Co-editor and Co-ordinator); Numerous essays, articles and conferences papers published in law reviews and collections of essays and conference papers.