Mario F. Riccomagno

7, Via Assarotti
Genoa 16122
Chamber Arbitrale Maritime of Monaco; Camera Arbitrale Marittima di Genova; GCC Commerical Arbitration Center-Bahrain; Cairo Regional Center for International Commercial Arbitration, China Maritime Arbitration Commission
In the ninetees Counsel in Maritime Arbitration in more than 30 maritime arbitrations before the LMAA mainly acting for the Shipowners. Sole arbitrator in a leading case in Italy concerning the interpretation of the withdrawal and the lien clauses in a case of bareboat charter. In the 2001 President of the Panel of Arbitrators in a ICC dispute regarding corporate law between two Italian major terminal operators.
The Taxation of the royalties of foreign enterprises in Italy, published in the magazine “Gazzettino Tributario” 1979; Ship-agency and termination indemnity, published in the magazine “Trasporti Internazionali”, February 1982; Cargo damage insurance and devaluation, “Trasporti Internazionali”, March 1982; The Bruxelles Convention of 10 May 1952 on the arrest of the seagoing ships, “Trasporti Internazionali”, April-June 1982; Bill of lading and identification of the carrier, “Trasporti Internazionali”, July 1982; The Clause of derogation from Italian jurisdiction and the bill of lading, “Trasporti Internazionali”, August-September 1982; Difficulties of interpretation of the carrier’s right to the extraordinary demurrage, “Trasporti Internazionali”, October 1982; Arbitration Clause in the bill of lading and New York Convention of 10 June 1958, “Trasporti Internazionali”, November 1982; Gold Clause and limitation of liability, of the maritime carrier, “Trasporti Internazionali”, December 1982; Some doubts in interpreting the reduction of the demurrage, “Trasporti Internazionali”, January 1983; The insurance broker, “Trasporti Internazionali”, February 1983; Detention and termination for delay in the voyage charter, “Trasporti Internazionali”, March 1983; Registration of ships sailing foreign flag, “Trasporti Internazionali”, April 1983; EEC legislation on the freedom of circulation of seafarers and its (non) enforcement in Italy, “Trasporti Internazionali”, May 1983; Carriage of goods in containers and limitation of liability of the carrier, “Trasporti Internazionali”, March 1984; The ante-dating of the bill of lading, “Trasporti Internazionali”, April 1984; International institutions and organizations of greater importance in the field of the maritime transports, “Trasporti Internazionali”, June 1984; The mortgage in the English law and practice, “Trasporti Internazionali”,July-September 1984; Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in Italy under the New York Convention of 1958, Year Book Maritime Law, published by Kluwer, 1984; Leading Italian Maritime Cases from 1980 to 1987, “European Transport Law”, 1988; Notes on Straight Bill of Lading, “Il Diritto Marittimo”, 1989; Force Majeure and Supervening circumstances - Italy, “IAG International Newsletter”, 1990; Recent changes in the USA to the legislation on Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier, “Il Diritto Marittimo”, 1991; The Cabotage in the Mediterranean and the EEC policy, “Il Diritto Marittimo”, 1991; The European Court of Justice and the Italian port legislation, “Il Foro Padano”, 1992; European Court of Justice ends longshoremen’s monopoly in Italian port system, published in the magazine “P.& I. International”, 1992; Cabotage and the Liberalization in the E.C. of the maritime service sector, “European Transport Law”, 1993; The practice of commercial arbitration in the Mediterranean with particular regard to maritime disputes, “Arbitration and Dispute resolution Law Journal”, 1996; ADR in the Maritime Sector, “Arbitration”, 1997; Arbitration in Multimodal Transport, “Il Diritto Marittimo”, 1997; The liability regime of the MTO under the UNCTAD/ICC Rules as influenced by the international conventions on sea carriage, “Diritto dei Trasporti”, 1998; The resolution of disputes in Multimodal Transpor, “Trasporti”, 1998; Maritime Arbitration, “Trasporti”, 1999; United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International
Sale of Goods and Transport, “Il Diritto Marittimo”, 2000; Safety and Environment, “Il Diritto Marittimo”, 2001; The Italian Constitutional Court holds that the arbitrators can raise constitutional issues, “International Bar Association- Committee D News, I, 2003; Jurisdiction clauses and actio in rem in the law of the U.S.A., “Il Diritto Marittimo”, 2004; The incorporation of charter party arbitration clauses into bills of lading (a comparison between the authorities of the courts of Italy, England and the United States), CIl Diritto Marittimo”, 2004; Maritime Arbitration, “Arbitration”, 2004.