Luca G. Radicati di Brozolo

ARBLIT Radicati di Brozolo Sabatini Benedettelli
15 Via Alberto da Giussano
Milano 20145
Legal Service, Bank for International Settlements (1978-1984); Partner, Chiomenti Studio Legale (1994-2000); Partner, Bonelli Erede Pappalardo (2001-2013); Italian delegate, UNCITRAL Working Group on International Commercial Arbitration (2000-2001).
Institute of International Arbitration
Presiding, sole and party appointed arbitrator in many proceedings in various seats and under different governing laws and arbitration rules (ICC, LCIA, the Swiss Chambers’ Arbitration Institution, the Danish Arbitration Institute, the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC), the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration, the Milan Arbitration Chamber, UNCITRAL. Counsel in arbitrations on disputes on a variety of matters, including antitrust and telecommunications, joint ventures, post-M&A, under different applicable laws and arbitration rules, as well as in investor-State disputes, under the ICSID Rules (e.g Jan de Nul v. Egypt; Saipem v. Bangladesh; Metalgeo v. Georgia; Lesi and Astaldi v. Algeria; Ambiente Ufficio v. Argentina; Alemanni v. Argentina) and UNCITRAL Rules. Counsel and expert in several proceeding before tribunals and domestic courts.
Commentario breve al diritto dell’arbitrato interno e internazionale, Cedam, Padova, 2010, (co-editor); Arbitrage commercial international et lois de police: considérations sur les conflits de juridictions dans le commerce international, in Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law, vol. 315 (2006); “International Commercial Arbitration”, in European Encyclopedia of Private International Law (2015); “The enforcement of annulled awards: further reflections in light of Thai Lao Lignite”, 25 Am. Rev. Int’l Arb. 47-61 (2014) “The enforcement of annulled awards: an important step in the right direction, Paris J. of Int’l Arb., 2013, 1027; “EU Merger Control Commitments and Arbitration: Reti Televisive Italiane v. Sky TV”, Arbitration International, 2013, 223-242; “The control system of arbitral awards: a pro-arbitration critique of Michael Reisman’s ‘Normative architecture of international commercial arbitration’”, Arbitration ― The Next Fifty Years, ICCA Congress Series No. 16, 2012, 74-102; “Arbitration and Mandatory Rules”, Am. Rev. Int’l Arb., 2012, 49-74; “The impact of National Law and Courts on International Commercial Arbitration: Mythology, Physiology, Pathology, Remedies and Trends”, The Paris Int’l Arb. J., 2011, 663; “Res judicata”, Post Award Issues (P. Tercier, ed.), ASA Special Series No., 2011, 127; “Arbitration and the draft revised Brussels I Regulation: Seeds of home country control and of harmonization?”, J. of Private Int’l L., 2011, 423; “Arbitration and Competition Law: the Position of Courts and of Arbitrators”, Arbitration International, 2011, 1; “Unlawful Interference with international arbitration by national courts of the seat in the aftermath of Saipem v. Bangladesh”, Liber Amicorum Bernardo Cremades, Madrid, 2010, 993 (with L. Malintoppi); “Confidentiality in International Commercial Arbitration”, Final Report of the Committee on International Commercial Arbitration of the International Law Association adopted at the Hague Conference, August 2010 (co-rapporteur with Mark Friedman), Arbitration International, 2012, 355; “Requiem pour le régime dualiste de l’arbitrage? Rèflexions sur la réforme italienne de l’arbitrage international”, Arbitrage interne et international (A. Bonomi, A. Bochatay, Eds.), Genève, 2010, 217 ; “Court Review of Competition Law Awards in Setting Aside and Enforcements Proceedings”, EU and US Antitrust Arbitration (G. Blanke, Ph. Landolt, eds.), Kluwer, 2010, § 35-001; “Ascertaining the Content of the Applicable Law in International Commercial Arbitration”, Final Report of the Committee on International Commercial Arbitration of the International Law Association adopted at the Rio de Janeiro Conference of 2008 (co-rapporteur with Mark Friedman), Arbitration International, 2010, n. 2.