Lawrence A. Collins

Herbert Smith
Exchange House
Primrose Street
London EC2A 2HS
Partner, Herbert Smith, solicitors, London (1971- ); Fellow, Wolfson College, Cambridge (1975- ); Visiting Professor, Queen Mary and
Westfield College, London (1982- ); Consultant, UNCTAD on Draft Code on Transfer of Technology (1980); Member, Editorial Board, Int’l & Comp. L.Q.; Member, Editorial Advisory Committee, Law Quarterly Rev.; Member, Editorial Board, British Y.B. of Int’l Law.
Member, Institut de Droit International (1989- ); Fellow, British Academy (1994- ); British Inst. of International & Comparative
Law; ILA; Lord Chancellor’s Working Party on Foreign Judgments; Joint Working Party of the Bar and Law Society on Anglo-U.S. Judgments Convention; Law Commission Joint Working Party on Torts in Private International Law.
Counsel or solicitor, several ICC, LCIA, International Court of Justice and ad hoc cases, Arbitrator in commercial disputes
General editor, Dicey & Morris, Conflict of Laws (London 12th ed.1993, and supplements); Author: Essays in International Litigation and the Conflicts of Law (1994); European Community Law in the United Kingdom (UK 1975, 2d ed. 1980; 3d ed. 1984; 4th ed. 1990); Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (UK 1983); numerous articles re: private and public international law, arbitration European and English law.