Laurent Cohen-Tanugi

20, Boulevard des Invalides
Paris 75007
Chairman of French governmental task force on Europe in the global economy (2007-2008); Partner, Skadden, Arps, Slate,
Meagher & Flom LLP (2005-2007); Senior Vice-President and General Counsel, Member of the Executive Committee of the Sanofi-Synthelabo
pharmaceutical group (2004); Partner, Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton (1991-2003); Associate, Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton (1982-1990)
American Bar Association; International Arbitration Institute
Co-arbitrator in ICC proceeding between US and Brazilian parties (2008- ); Counsel in numerous ICC, public international law and ad hoc proceedings including on behalf of Bank for International Settlements (proceedings brought by former shareholders of the BIS in connection with the mandatory withdrawal of the BIS shares held in private hands) (2002-03); Sanofi-Synthélabo (1999-2003); Canal+ / @Entertainment
Inc. (proceedings against @Entertainment and Polish pay TV operators) (1999- 2000) ; Avtovaz (proceedings brought by its Spanish distributor) (1993-1995);Italcementi (proceedings against a major French financial institution) (1993- 1994); Eni (claim challenging the award of various EC-financed solar energy contracts in sub-Saharan Africa by the Comité Permanent Inter-Etats de Lutte
contre la Sècheresse dans le Sahel) (1990-1994); ICC Luxembourg, Secretary of the Arbitral tribunal (dispute between Italian and Swiss interests over the ownership of a French banking group) (1989); Du Pont (proceedings against a subsidiary of Montedison SpA, regarding entitlement to royalties under a license agreement) (1987-1989); Heineken (alleged wrongful termination of license and technical assistance agreements with a brewing company located in Cameroun) (1986); Booz Allen: arbitration against the National Oil Corporation of Libya
for non-payment for services performed as management consultant (1985-1989).
“La France et la lutte contre la corruption dans les affaires internationales : vers un changement de paradigme ?” (En Temps Réel, 2016); * “The Extraterritorial Application of American Law: Myths and Realities”[« L’application extraterritoriale du droit américain, fer de lance de la régulation économique internationale ? »] (En Temps Réel, 2014); “Deferred Prosecution Agreements in the French Environment" ["Le Deferred prosecution agreement américain - Un instrument de lutte efficace contre la délinquance économique internationale”] (La Semaine juridique n°38, 2013, co-authored by Emmanuel Breen). “What’s wrong with France?” (Grasset, 2015); The Shape of the World to Come, Charting the Geopolitics of a New Century (Columbia University Press, 2008); Beyond Lisbon: A European Strategy for Globalisation (Peter Lang, 2008); An Alliance At Risk, The United States And Europe After September 11 (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003); Le Droit sans l'État, Sur la démocratie en France et en Amérique (PUF, 1985 réed. Quadrige, 2007); The End of Europe? (Foreign Affairs, 2005, Volume 84. No. 6); Les juridictions américaines face aux lois étrangères interdisant la communication de renseignements économiques (Rev Crit Droit Int’l Privé, 1983).