László Kecskés

Arbitration Court attached to the HCCI
H-1054 Budapest, Szabadság tér 7.
Budapest, H-1054
Deputy Secretary of State in the Hungarian Ministry of Justice 1990-1995 (Responsible for legislation (draft making) in private law and economic legislation, and also responsible for Hungary’s approximation of laws project to the law of the European Community, .Member of the Hungarian Governmental Delegation negotiating the Association Agreement with the European Communities and its Member States in 1990-1991.
President of the Legal Committee of the IX. Department of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2007-2012)
AC attached to the Hungarian CCI, ICAC attached to the Ukrainian CCI, AC attached to the Economic Chamber of the Czech Rep. and Agricultural Chamber of the Czech Rep.
Over 180 as party-appointed arbitrator, 20 sole arbitrator, 50 chairman, This includes Arbitration Court attached to the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, ICC, ad hoc, VIAC or counsel.
Perelhető-e az állam? Budapest (KJK 1988), EK jog és jogharmonizáció. (KJK 1995) The Development of Hungarian Arbitration Law (in Croat. Arbit. Yearb. Vol. 15 2008) Could lawful conduct violate public policy? (in Resolving International Conflicts Liber Amicorum Tibor Várady CEU Press 2009) Further numerous books and articles on civil law, EU law, private international law and arbitration.