Kate Brown de Vejar

Curtis, Mallet Prevost, Colt & Mosle, S.C.
Rubén Darío 281, Piso 9,
Col. Bosque de Chapultepec
Mexico D.F. 11580
Associate, White & Case LLP (New York, México D.F.) (2005-2009); Associate, Allens Arthur Robinson (Sydney, Australia) (2003-2004).
Member, Australian Delegation to UNCITRAL Working Group II (2008-present); Co-Chair, Young ICCA (2014-2016); Member, ICC Task Force on the Revision of the ICC ADR Rules; Member, Advisory Body to Mexico’s Construction Industry Arbitration Center (CAIC); Fellow, Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (ACICA); Member, ICC Australia; Member, LCIA; Member, Law Council of Australia, International Law Section.
Arbitrator, AAA (ICDR) International Panel of Arbitrators; Arbitrator, Centro de Arbitraje de México (CAM).
More than 20 international arbitrations as counsel, including representation of sovereign states and state-owned entities (Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Latin America and North Africa) and private corporations under the leading institutional and ad hoc arbitration rules (ICSID, UNCITRAL, ICC, LCIA, the Mexican Chamber of Commerce (CANACO), the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA)). Experience includes investment and contractual disputes across a wide range of sectors including aeronautical, construction and engineering, financial services, oil and gas, mining and resources, tax, transport, telecommunications and water treatment. Has advised clients in relation to claims brought under the Energy Charter Treaty, the North American Free Trade Agreement, as well as numerous bilateral investment treaties. Recently nominated by the IBA’s Arbitration Committee to advise the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization in connection with the development of a dispute resolution mechanism for a global harmonized system of carbon pricing to mitigate climate change.
Speaker, “Connecting the Present with the Future,” ICCA-HKIAC Summit, Hong Kong, May 13 2015; Speaker, “Crossing the Line: the use of arbitration by sports federations,” IBA Annual Conference, Tokyo, October 20, 2014; Speaker “Hot Topics in Investor-State Arbitration: Investor-State Arbitration at a Crossroads,” American Bar Association’s Fifth Annual Conference on the Resolution of CIS-Related Business Disputes, Moscow, September 27, 2013; Speaker, “2012: Did the Mayans Get It Wrong (we’re still here aren’t we)? A Select Review of Noteworthy Events in International Arbitration in 2012,” 2nd Annual ITA Winter Forum and Roundtable, Miami, January 24-25, 2013.