Kamal Hossain

Dr. Kamal Hossain and Associates
122-124 Motijheel Commercial Area
Dhaka 1000
Member, Panel of Arbitrators, ICSID; Chairman of an UNCITRAL, Arbitral Tribunal, involving two Asian companies; Chairman of an ICC Tribunal involving a power project in Asia in which claimant was a European company; Member of an ICC Tribunal involving power projects in Asia and a US company; Member of an ICSID Arbitral Tribunal, in which the Chairman was the President of the International Court of Justice and the other member was a member of the US-Iran Tribunal, involving an African State and a foreign investor (1992); Member of an UNCITRAL Arbitral Tribunal, in which the Chairman was a former President of the International Court of Justice and the other arbitrator was a Professor International Law from Washington D.C., involving an African State (1992) and a foreign investor; Member of an UNCITRAL Arbitral Tribunal dealing with three cases, in which a former President of the International Court of Justice was the Chairman, and the other member was a retired member of the English Court of Appeal (1995-1996); Member, Arbitral Tribunal under Annex VII of the Convention on the International Law of the Sea in case involving Malaysia and Singapore, (2004-2005), and another involving Guyana and Suriname (2005-2006); Panel Chairman, UN Compensation Commission, Geneva (1999-2005)
Law and Policy in Petroleum Development, Frances Pinter, London, 1979. Articles and Papers included in the books indicated: “International Commercial Arbitration, State succession, and the Commonwealth”, British Yearbook of International Law,1960; “Choice of Petroleum Development Regime in Joint Development of Offshore Oil and Gas”, Joint Development of Offshore Oil & Gas Hazel Fox, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, 1990; “Regional and Multilateral Investment Agreements: Development Dimension” Liber Amicorum for Gunther Jaenicke, Ed. Volkmar Gotz, Peter Selmer, and Rudiger Wolfrum, Springer, Berlin. 1998; “An Arbitration Case Study: The Dispute That Never Was”, with Jeremy Carver, ICSID Review, Vol. 5, Fall 1990, pp. 311-325; “Promoting Human Rights in the Global Marketplace”, Reflections on International Law from the Low Countries (In honour of Paul de Waart), Ed. Erik Denters and Nico Schrijver, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1998; “Globalization and Human Rights: Clash of Universal Aspirations and Special Interests”, The Future of International Human Rights, Ed. Burns H. Weston and Stephen P. Marks, Transnational Publishers, Inc. Ardsley, New York,1999; “Human Rights and Development”, Reflections on Emerging International Law (Essays in Memory of Subrata Roy Chowdhury), Ed. A Jayagovind, National Law School of India, Bangalore, 2004); “Evolving Principles of Sustainable Development and Good Governance”, Sustainable Development and Good Governance, Ed. Konrad Ginther, Erik Denters & Paul J.I.M. de Waart, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1995.