Joshua D.H. Karton
Queen’s University Faculty of Law
128 Union St.
Kingston K7L3N6
Assistant Professor, Queen’s University Faculty of Law, 2009-2015; Supervisor (Conflict of Laws), Pembroke College, University of Cambridge, 2007-2009; Associate, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, New York, 2005-2006; Project Manager, General Relations, Canadian Trade Office, Taipei, 2001-2002.
Managing Editor and co-Founder, Canadian Journal of Commercial Arbitration, 2018-; Member, Steering Committee, Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society “Gold Standard” Course, 2021-; Member, Academic Council, Institute for Transnational Arbitration, 2017-; Member, Task Force on Improving the Probative Value of Witness Testimony in International Arbitrations, International Chamber of Commerce Commission on Arbitration and ADR, 2016-2020; Member, Advisory Council, Africa Arbitration, 2018-; Member, ICC Canadian Committee, 2016-; Member, Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society, 2016-.
Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei (International Panel)
Two appointments as sole arbitrator in domestic Canadian cases; counsel in roughly a dozen international commercial and investor-state arbitrations; expert witnesses in one international commercial arbitration and one investor-state arbitration.
Kluwer Arbitration Practical Insights (General Editor, with Simon Greenberg and Fan Yang, Kluwer, published 2020 and updated continuously); The Culture of International Arbitration and the Evolution of Contract Law (Oxford UP, 2013); dozens of articles and book chapters on international arbitration, comparative and international contract law, conflict of laws, and related subjects.