José Rosell

33 rue Galilée
75116 Paris
Arbitrator (chairman, sole arbitrator and co-arbitrator) and Counsel, in more than 140 international arbitrations, including investor-state arbitrations (institutional and ad hoc, including UNCITRAL arbitrations);(Other relevant experience): Speaker and moderator in numerous International Conferences and Seminars; Trainer in several training programs for arbitrators and counsel; Professor, Courses for the Diploma on International Arbitration organized by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in Oxford, UK; Former Professor of International Business Law at the University of Paris V.
International Bar Association; Union Internationale des Avocats; The Inter-Pacific Bar Association (founding member); International Council for Commercial Arbitration.
ICC-France; London Court of International Arbitration; Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre; International Center for Dispute Resolution; Vienna Arbitral Centre; Indian Council of Arbitration; CEPANI; Centre d’Arbitrage et de Médiation de Madagascar; The Arbitral Tribunal of Barcelona; The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; The Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA); International Centre for Dispute Resolution; The Court of International Commercial Arbitration of Romania; Chamber of Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration of Sao Paolo; The Permanent Arbitration Court at the Croatian Chamber of Economy; Centro de Arbitraje de la Cámara Boliviana de Hidrocarburos; Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid; Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration; CIMA; British Virgin Islands – International Arbitration Centre. (Membership related to Arbitration: Member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration; Member of the ICC Latin American Arbitration Group; Member of several working groups of the ICC Commission on Arbitration; International Council for Commercial Arbitration. Member of the ILA International Committee on International Commercial Arbitration. Member of the following arbitration institutions and associations: London Court of International Arbitration, Swiss Arbitration Association, Comité Français de l’Arbitrage, Association Française de l’Arbitrage, the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, the Institute for Transnational Arbitration (member of the Advisory Board), Austrian Arbitration Association, Club Español de Arbitraje, Paris, the Home of International Arbitration, Asociación Latinoamericana de Arbitraje, Danish Arbitration Association, Russian Arbitration Association, Swedish Arbitration Association (Member of the Executive Committee).
Latest Publications: “Dispute Boards: le nouveau règlement ICC”, Echanges Internationaux (2016), No. 105, p. 14; “El third-party funding y su impacto en el arbitraje internacional”, Veinticinco Años de Arbitraje en España, Libro Conmemorativo de la CIMA (2015), p.261; “Les nouvelles règles de l’expertise d’ICC”, Echanges Internationaux (2015), No. 103, p. 12; “Le financement de l’arbitrage par les tiers”, Echanges Internationaux (2014), No. 99, p.15; The “ICC” Global Arbitration Reveiw (2014), p. 48; “ Los aportes de la reforma de 2011 del derecho francés del arbitraje internacional” in Libro Homenaje a Bernardo Cremades y Yves Derains, Instituto Peruano de Arbitraje (2013), Vol. II, pp 955-988 ; The “ICC”, Global Arbitration Review (2013) p. 40 ; The “ICC”, Global Arbitration Review (2012), p. 32; “L’ Allocation des frais dans l’arbitrage d’investissements: Tendances”, Décideurs Stratégie Finance et Droit (2011-2012), p. 164; The “ICC”, Global Arbitration Review (2011), p.9; “Arbitration Costs as Relief and/or damages, Journal of International Arbitration, issue 2, Vol.28 (2011) p.115-126”; The “ICC” Global Arbitration Review (2010), p.22; The “ICC” Global Arbitration Review (2009), p.5 ; Author of the French Chapter in Dispute Resolution : Arbitration (2008/2009), Volume 2: Arbitration, PLC Cross-border Handbooks (2008/2009), p.89; “Le nouveau règlement de la Chambre de Commerce de Stockholm de 2007: vers un certain alignement sur le règlement de la CCI , Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage, n° 2008/1, page 29, Gazette du Palais; “The CMS Case : A lesson for the future ?” Journal of International Arbitration, issue 4, Vol.25 (2008), p.493; “The ICC”, Global Arbitration Review (2008), p.5; Author of the French Chapter, Dispute Resolution, Volume 2: Arbitration, PLC Cross-border Handbooks (2007/08), p. 37; “L’arbitrage International au Brésil”, Guide-Annuaire 2007, Risk Management-Assurance-Contentieux (2007) p. 190; “The ICC and its International Court of Arbitration”, Global Arbitration Review (2007) p. 5; “L’arbitrage en Chine : quelques clarifications de la Cour Suprême“, Décideurs Juridiques n° 82 (2007) p.80; “Les arbitrages du Traité sur la Charte de l’Energie”, Décideurs Juridiques n° 77-78 (2006) p.4; “ICC” Global Arbitration Review (2006) p. 10; “Les frais de l’arbitrage international” Décideurs juridiques n° 72 (2006) p. 136; “Intervention du juge dans le processus de récusation d’un arbitre”, in “Les Arbitres Internationaux”, Société de Législation Comparée, Volume 8, at 125 (2005); “Dangerous Argentine Developments in Arbitration”, Focus Europe, 48 (Summer 2005); “A intervenção do juiz no processo de recusa do arbitro”, 6 Revista de Arbitragem e Mediaçao, at 196 (2005); “The Challenge of Arbitrators”, 10 Croatian Arbitration Handbook 151 (2003); “The Kern Case”, Stockholm Arbitration Report 151 (2003:2); “Confidentiality and Arbitration”, 9 Croatian Arbitration Handbook 19 (2002); “The Principle of Competence-Competence”, IBA Committee D Newsletter, Vol. VII, N° 2, at 34 (Oct. 2002); “La Confidencialidad en el Arbitraje”, in Memoria 2000 del Tribunal Arbitral de Comercio de Bilbao 3 (2001); “International Arbitration and Bankruptcy: United States, France and the ICC”, 18 J. Int’l Arb. 417 (Aug. 2001).