José Carlos Magalhães
Rua da Consolação, 3367, 7th floor, 71/72
01416-001 São Paulo, SP
Professor of International Law of USP (1968–2008); Visiting Scholar at Yale (1973–1974); Partner of Pati & Magalhães Advogados (1974–1996); Senior Partner of José Carlos de Magalhães Advogados Associados (1996–Present); Former President of the Brazilian branch of the International Law Association; Member of the Arbitration Brazilian Body in Mercosur appointed by the Brazilian Government
Director of the Brazilian Institute of International Law and International Relations. Honorary member of the Comitê Brasileiro de Arbitragem – CBAr
Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Brazilian- Canadian Chamber of Commerce (CCBC), Centre of Arbitration of the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM); Chamber of Mediation and Arbitration of the State of São Paulo Industrial Center (CMA/CIESP/FIESP); Chamber of Commercial Arbitration of Brazil (CAMARB); Chamber of Conciliation and Arbitration of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV); Arbitral Chamber of São Paulo; Arbitral Panel of the Olivos Protocol (Merscosur)
55 arbitrations as party appointed arbitrator; 5 as sole arbitrator; 37 as chairman and 02 as counsel; in international and domestic arbitration at ICC; ICDR; CCBC; CMA/CIESP/FIESP; CAMARB; AMCHAM, FGV and ad hoc., arbiter appointed by the Brazilian Government to integrate the Arbitral Tribunal constituted to decide the litigation on textiles, between Brazil and Argentina, in Mercosul. The arbitrations dealt with civil law, corporate law, merger and acquisitions, construction, interpretation of commercial contracts, telecommunications and oil & gas
Books: BAPTISTA, Luiz (co-author) O. Arbitragem Comercial, Rio de Janeiro, Livraria Freitas Bastos, 1986. p. 163;Do Estado na Arbitragem Privada. São Paulo: Max Limonad, 1988. 181p.; Direito Econômico Internacional. Curitiba: Juruá, 2005. 367p.; O Supremo Tribunal Federal e o Direito Internacional. Porto Alegre: Livraria do Advogado Editora, 2000. 176 p. Co-editor: MERCADANTE, Araminta. Reflexões sobre os 60 anos da ONU. Ijuí: Unijui, 2005. 561; MERCADANTE, Araminta. Solução e Prevenção de Litígios Internacionais, vol. I, Porto Alegre, Livraria dos Advogados, 1999; MERCADANTE, Araminta, Solução e Prevenção de Litígios Internacionais, vol. II, Porto Alegre, Livraria dos Advogados, 2000; MERCADANTE, Araminta. Solução e Prevenção de Litígios Internacionais, vol. III, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Forense, 2002. Articles and Prefaces: 68.