John S. Lowe

S.M.U. Dedman School of Law
3315 Daniel Ave.
Dallas, TX 75275-0116
George W. Hutchison Professor of Energy Law, S.M.U. (1987- ); Hon. Lecturer, Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law, University of Dundee (2000-); Senior Fellow, University of Melbourne (2007-); Visiting Professor of Law, University of Sydney (2008-2016); Visiting Professor, University de ESAN (2008); Fulbright Senior Specialist and Visiting Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Chair of Energy Law and Policy, University of Alberta (2008); Visiting Professor, University Agostinho Neto (2009); Visiting Professor, Chulalongkorn University (2010, 2012); Visiting Professor of Law, University of New Mexico (1996); Visiting Professor of Natural Resources Law, University of Denver (1987); Professor of Law, University of Tulsa (1978-1987); Visiting Professor of Law, S.M.U. (1984); Visiting Professor of Law, University of Texas (1983); Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo (1975-1978); Attorney, Emens, Hurd, Kegler & Ritter (1970-1975); African Fellow, Maxwell School, Syracuse University (1966-1969).
ABA (Chair, Natural Resources, Energy, and Environmental Law Section, 1992-1993); International Oil and Gas Educational Center of the Southwestern Legal Foundation (Advisory Board); Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation (President, 2003-04,Trustee).
Chairman, panel member or sole arbitrator in 75+ U.S. cases and several international cases.
Editor, Cases and Materials on Oil and Gas Law (7th ed. West 2018); Editor, International Petroleum Transactions, 3rd ed. RMMLF 2010; Author, Oil & Gas Law in a Nutshell (6th ed. West 2014); Editor, Oil and Gas Law and Taxation (West 2017); Maintenance Editor, Kuntz on the Law of Oil and Gas (Lexis/Nexis).