Joachim A. Kuckenburg

174, boulevard Malesherbes
1987-1988 - Foreign Associate with Breitenstein Meillassoux Hauser, Paris; 1988-1989 - Lecturer and Research Fellow at the Institut de droit comparé, University of Paris II (Panthéon-Assas); 1989-1992 - Federal Officer at the German Federal Anti-Trust Office (Bundeskartellamt),
Berlin; 1992-1998 - Counsel at the ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris; 1998-2001 - Rechtsanwalt, Associate BMH Avocats, Paris; 2001-2003 - Partner, DE BUSSCHERE KUCKENBURG, Paris
Member of LCIA, ASA, DIS, Comité français de l’arbitrage and its IAI; CIArb (Fellow), IBA (Dispute Resolution); Listed in 2008 edition of Who’s Who Legal, Commercial Arbitration.
25 plus ICC arbitrations, as counsel, co-arbitrator, Sole Arbitrator and Chair 2 Swiss Rules (Geneva) arbitrations as Sole
Arbitrator; 2 UNCITRAL/PCA arbitration as counsel and Chairman; 1 CMAP arbitration as counsel
Die Rolle des Sekretariats des Internationalen Schiedsgerichtshofes der ICC, in: Festschrift für Ottoarndt Glossner, 1994, S. 177-192; Das Jahr 1995 im Internationalen Schiedsgerichtshof der Internationalen Handelskammer (ICC), in: Recht und Praxis der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit 1996 (2. HJ), S. 2-8; Presenting Claims in ICC Arbitration, in: International Law Practicum, Vol. 10 / N° 1 (1997), p. 34; Vertragliche Beziehungen zwischen Parteien und der ICC sowie Schiedsrichtern und der ICC, in: DIS Materialien I/1997, S. 79; Quelques spécificités de la procédure d’arbitrage par rapport à la procédure judiciaire, in: Bulletin de l’Association luxembourgoise de l’arbitrage 1997, pages 4-18; The German Institution of Arbitration Issues New Arbitration Rules, in: 13 Mealey’s International Arbitration Report (1998), p. 37 (with Stewart R. Shackleton); German Developments in Arbitration, in: IBA Committee D Newsletter Vol. IV/ N° 1 (1999); Compensation et l’autorité de la chose jugée –La Cour suprême suédoise met “les pendules à l’heure”, Case note to Swedish Supreme Court Judgement of April 3, 1998, Esselte vs. Swedish State Pension Fund, in: Stockholm Arbitration Report 1999:2, p. 77, 99-104; Editorial Remarks on the Manner in which the Principles of European Contract Law May Be Used to Interpret or Supplement Articles of the CISG, Commentary on Article 17 and Article 18 of the CISG, (February 2003), (with Cecilia Carrara).