Jingzhou Tao

32nd Floor, China World Tower I,
No. 1 Jianguomenwai Avenue
Beijing 100004
2007 – Current, Partner, Jones Day Beijing; 2005 – 2007, Managing Partner, DLA Piper Beijing; 1996 – 2005, Managing Partner, Coudert Brothers LLP, Beijing and China; Since 1995, Adjunct Professor of Peking University Law School; 1991 – 1996, Associate, Coudert Brothers LLP, Beijing; 1991, Associate, Coudert Frères, Paris; 1985 – 1991, Of Counsel, Jeantet & Associés, Paris; 1986 – 1991, Lecturer at Institut de Droit Comparé (Institute of Comparative Law), Paris; Lecture at Université de Paris X (Nanterre)
Member of the Court, ICC International Court of Arbitration; Member of the Court, the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA); Member of the Advisory Committee of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission; Chair of the Commission on International Commercial Arbitration of ICC China; Adjunct professor at Peking University Law School; Adjunct professor at East China University of Political Science and Law; Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
the Court of Arbitration for Sport; AAA; Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre; Singapore International Arbitration Centre; Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration; China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission; Beijing Arbitration Commission.
International Institutional Arbitration: Chair of Tribunal, 60; Sole Arbitrator, 1; Co-arbitrator, 6; Party’s Counsel, 24; Domestic Arbitration: Chair of the Tribunal, 3; Party’s Counsel, 5
Books: Mergers and Acquisitions in China (Second Edition), coauthor, West Law, New York, 608 pages, 2010; Arbitration Law and Practice in China (Second Edition), Kluwer Law International, The Netherlands, 436 pages, 2008; Resolving Business Disputes in China, CCH Asia Pte Limited, Singapore, 800 pages, 2004; Non-Tariff Trade Barriers in China, coauthor, Sweet & Maxwell, Hong Kong, 357 pages, 2003; International Execution Against Judgment Debtors, (Enforcement of Foreign Judgment in the People's Republic of China), Oceana, New York, 26 pages, October 2002; International Commercial Arbitration in Asia (China Chapter), Juris Press, New York, 45 pages, October 2002; Droit Chinois des Affaires, Econamica, Paris, 394 pages, 1999; Le Droit Chinois Contemporain, (Collection Que sais-je?), Presses Universitairs de France (P.U.F.), Paris, 128 pages, September 1991; Most recent articles: Études à La Mémoire de Fernand Charles Jeantet, (L’Exécution de Sentences Arbitrales de la CCI en Chine), Lexis Nexis, Paris, 2010; Between East and West: Essays in Honor of Ulf Franke, (Enforcement of SCC Arbitration Awards in China), JurisNet. LLC, New York, 2010; Concise International Arbitration, (China International Econonic and Trade Arbitration Commission Arbitration[CIETAC] Rules, 2005 & Arbitration Law of the People’s Republic of China, 1994), Kluwer Law International, United Kingdom, 2010; Asian International Arbitration Journal, Volume 4, (One Award –Two Obstacles: Double Trouble When Enforcing Arbitral Awards in China), Kluwer Law International, The Netherlands, 2008.