Jean E. Kalicki

Kalicki Arbitration
201 West 72nd St, #6A
New York, NY 10023
Partner, Arnold & Porter LLP (2008-2016); Adjunct Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center; (2005-2016); Counsel, Arnold & Porter LLP (1999-2007); Associate, Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton (1991-1998).
Vice President, LCIA Court; Governing Board, ICCA; former Board Member and current Arbitrator Council member, AAA; ICC Commission on Arbitration; Board of Directors, SICANA, Inc. (ICC North America); Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; Fellow, College of Commercial Arbitrators; Editorial Boards, Global Arbitration Review and ICSID Review and Associate Editor, Transnational Dispute Management; former Chair, D.C. Bar International Dispute Resolution Committee and Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Washington DC Branch; former Executive Committee, Institute for Transnational Arbitration; former member of IBA Investment Arbitration Subcommittee and ICCA-ASIL Task Force on Issue Conflicts.
ICSID Panel of Arbitrators; AAA/International Centre for Dispute Resolution (Commercial, International and Large Complex Case rosters); ICC-USCIB Roster of Neutrals; London Court of International Arbitration; Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre; Singapore International Arbitration Centre; Korean Commercial Arbitration Board; Kuala Lumpur Regional Center for Arbitration, CIETAC, British Virgin Islands International Arbitration Center, CPR International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (International; Energy, Oil and Gas panels); Energy Arbitrators’ List.
More than 25 years of experience as arbitrator and counsel in international investment and commercial disputes. Has served as Chair, sole arbitrator, and panel member in more than 60 complex arbitrations before many different arbitral institutions, and as lead counsel to both investors and States in numerous investment treaty arbitrations at ICSID and under UNCITRAL Rules.
Books: Co-Editor, Reshaping the Investor-State Dispute Settlement System: Journeys for the 21st Century, Brill/Nijuis Publishers (2015); Co-Editor, Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: In Search of a Roadmap, Transnational Dispute Management Special Issue, vol. 11, issue 1 (2014). Articles: “Arbitrating with Sovereigns and State-Owned Entities,” International Chamber of Commerce Members’ Handbook (2004); “Security for Costs in International Arbitration,” International Chamber of Commerce Members’ Handbook (2005); “ICSID Arbitration in the Americas,” Arbitration Review of the Americas (2007); “Fair, Equitable and Ambiguous: What is Fair and Equitable Treatment in International Investment Law?”, 22 ICSID Rev. 24 (2007); “Lis Pendens in International Arbitration,” 16 Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação 197 (2008); “Investment Arbitration in Brazil,” 24 Arb. Int’l 423 (2008); “The Settlement of Disputes Between the Public Administration and Private Companies by Arbitration under Brazilian Law,” J. Int’l Arb. (2009); “International Investment Arbitration: Can Korean Companies Make Use of It?” 100 International Trade Law (Korea) (2011); “Controlling Time and Costs in Arbitration: A Progress Report,” Kluwer Law International, November 21-22, 2011; Reflections on the LCIA Arbitrator Challenge Digests,” Kluwer Law International, December 12, 2011; “Can States Assert Counterclaims Against Investors in BIT Proceedings?” Kluwer Law International, January 16, 2012; “The Unavoidability of Uncertainty: One Lesson from the Recent U.S. Court Ruling in Argentina v. BG Group,” Kluwer Law International, January 27, 2012; “Third-Party Funding in Arbitration: Innovation and Limits in Self Regulation,” Kluwer Law International, March 13-14, 2012); “Social Media and Arbitration Conflicts of Interest: A Challenge for the 21st Century,” Kluwer Law International, April 23, 2012; “Spyridon Roussalis v Romania,” 27 ICSID Review F.I.L.J. (2012); “The Prospects for Amicus Submissions, Outside the ICSID Rules,” Kluwer Law International, September 14, 2012; “Counterclaims by States in Investment Arbitration,” Investment Treaty News, January 2013; “Mediation of Investor-State Disputes: Revisiting the Prospects,” Kluwer Law International, June 14, 2013; “Legality of Investment,” in BUILDING INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LAW: THE FIRST 50 YEARS OF ICSID (Wolters Kluwer 2016); “What are the Appropriate Remedies for Findings of Illegality in Investment Arbitration?”, in 2016 ICCA CONGRESS MAURITIUS (Congress Series no. 19) (publication pending); “ICSID Annulment Procedure – Review of Practice and Experience,” Transnational Dispute Management (2016).