Jean-Christophe Honlet
5 boulevard Malesherbes
Paris 75008
Associate, Salans September 1994–December 2002; Partner, Salans, since 2003
French National Committee of the ICC; International Court of Arbitration of the Kyrgyz Republic
Recent international arbitration cases: Sole arbitrator re delivery of marine equipment between Norwegian and Spanish companies (Norwegian law, ICC); Counsel for a public French automotive company and its German subsidiary in an arbitration regarding a European-wide automobile product recall (Hungarian law); Counsel for a French construction company in an arbitration re construction project in Russia (Russian law, ICC); Counsel for a Dutch company re delivery of bitumen in Algeria (French law, ICC); Counsel for a Lithuanian company re insurance policy agreement (Lithuanian law, ad hoc); Counsel for a Turkish company re pipeline construction in Turkey (English law, ICC and defense to challenge before French courts); Counsel for a Luxembourg company re real estate joint venture (English law, ICC); Expert witness for a Turkish company re pipeline construction in Turkey (French law,ICC); Counsel for an Asian State in a BIT dispute re gold deposit (international law, UNCITRAL-LCIA administered); Counsel for a European State in a BIT dispute re privatization agreement (international law, ad hoc); Counsel for a public French automotive company re joint venture agreement (Spanish law, ICC); Counsel for a public French automotive company re joint venture agreement (German law, ad hoc); Counsel for a German media conglomerate re IT agreement (French law, ICC); Counsel for a State concern re termination of a joint venture agreement–mining concession (New York and Kyrgyz law, SCC); Counsel for a public US company (NASDAQ) re mobile phone licensing (New York law, ICC); Counsel for a public Indian company re delivery of pipelines for an Iraqi oilfield (French law, ICC); Counsel for a public US company
(NYSE) re European automotive patent license (French law, ICC); Counsel for a public US company (NASDAQ) re worldwide biotechnology patent license (French law, ICC); Counsel for a public Danish company re European competition law of cartels and share purchase agreement (French, Danish and Swedish law, ICC); Counsel for a public US pharmaceutical company (NYSE) in an ICC arbitration re share purchase agreement (New York law, ICC); Counsel for a public French company re construction project (Romanian law, DAB and Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania); Counsel in over 40 international arbitration cases in total (principally State-investor disputes, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, construction, competition, intellectual property, distribution, environment, international trade).
“International arbitration and French public entities”, IBA Newsletter, March 2011, 77-79 (co-authored with G. Vannieuwenhuyse); “France” Chapter, Global Arbitration Review Reference, 2010 (co-authored with B. Legum and A.S. Dufêtre); “France” Chapter in The International Arbitration Review, 2010, Vol. I, 98 (Law Business Research) (co-authored with B. Legum and A.S. Dufêtre); The decision of the ICSID ad hoc Committee in CMS v. Argentina: SGS v. Philippines revisited (co-authored with Guillaume Borg), The Law & Practice of Int. Courts and Trib. 2008, vol. 7, 1-32; L’influence politique de la souveraineté sur l’arbitrage, reconnaissance et continuité des Etats (The political influence of sovereignty over arbitration, recognition and continuity of States) (co-authored with Bruno Leurent), Rev. Arb. 2003, 777.