Jacomijn J. van Haersolte-van Hof

HaersolteHof B.V.
Delistraat 27
2585 VX The Hague
The Netherlands
Counsel, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer (2005-08), Senior Associate, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, 2000-05); Loeff Claeys Verbeke, 1992-00; Secretary to the Tribunal, US/UK Heathrow User Charges Tribunal, 1991-92; University of Leiden, 1987-91; Has advised and represented multinational companies in commercial, investment, and dispute matters. Matters include sales and general contract law, post-Merger & Acquisition disputes; Energy law (including gas price review disputes); International law (investment law; immunity law); Shipbuilding including off shore; Commodities and Shipping; Insurance. Has assisted parties in meditation. Lecturer in International Arbitration at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Lecturer arbitration Law Firm School and In House Counsel Association. Member Editorial Board Global Arbitration Review. Lecturer Netherlands Arbitration Institute. Appointed by the European Commission as expert advising on arbitration in the context of the Brussels Regulation. Listed in GAR 100 and Who’s Who Legal, Commercial Arbitration
Supervisory Board Netherlands Arbitration Association; International Law Association Committee on International Arbitration; London Court of Arbitration; Dutch Royal Society for International Law; Dutch Society for Civil Procedural Law
Member VIAC, LCIA, Arbitration Court attached to the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic and Agricultural Chamber of the Czech Republic, ICAC at the UCCI Kiev, Panels ICC, ICSID Panel of Arbitrators designated by the Czech Republic
Has served as arbitrator and counsel in dozens of disputes in arbitrations that were administered by the following institutions and/or governed by the following rules: International Chamber of Commerce, London Court of Arbitration, ICSID, UNCITRAL, Netherlands Arbitration Institute, Royal Dutch Grain and Feed Trade Association and ad hoc proceedings. Member of ICSID panel. Has represented international parties, including states, in court proceedings, including in arbitration related matters, arbitrator appointment issues, securing assets, enforcement issues (New York Convention) and setting aside proceedings
Publications in English include:
- The Commission’s Proposal to amend the arbitration exception should be embraced!, NIPR 2011 280
- Concise International Arbitration (Commentary on UNCITRAL Rules), Kluwer Law International 2010
- The Revitalization of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, NILR 2007 54
- The relationship between International Tribunals and Domestic Courts (with A. Hoffmann), in The Oxford Handbook of International Investment Law, Oxford University Press 2008
- Interim Measures of Protection – A European and International Perspective, in ICCA Congress series no. 11
- Innovations in Mass Claims Dispute Resolution: Using New Standards of Proof, Dispute Resolution Journal (2003)
- Consolidation Under the English Arbitration Act 1996: A View from The Netherlands, Arbitration International (1997)
- Commentary on the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules – The Application by the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal (Kluwer, 1992).