Hans Van Houtte

Iran-United States Claims Tribunal
Parkweg 13
2585 JH The Hague
The Netherlands
Dr. Jur., University of Leuven – magna cum laude 1969; Licence European Law, University of Leuven – magna cum laude 1970; LLM, University of Harvard – 1971; Diploma cum laude, Academy International Law of The Hague – 1977; Doctor, University of Leuven – 1978; Fellow Chartered Institute of Arbitrators – London (FCIArb.); Professor, Chair of International Public Law and European Law (1980–1990); Litigation Partner Stibbe – Brussels (1990–1999).; International Commissioner in charge of Legal affairs – Real Property Claims Commission (Bosnia), (Dayton Agreement Annex 7) (1996–2003).; Member of the United Nations Compensation Commission, Geneva (1998–2001); Arbitrator and Senior Judge at the Claims Resolution Tribunal for Dormant Bank Accounts (Switzerland) (1998–2002); President Eritrea – Ethiopia Claims Commission – The Hague ( 2001–2009)
International Bar Association, International Law Association, International Law Association (ILA) – member, Arbitration Committee–member, Committee on International Civil Litigation; Past Secretary-General: International Law Association – Belgian branch; Mediator, Brussels Business Mediation Centre; Member International Arbitration Commission – ICC; International Bar Association (IBA): Past-Chairman, International Sales (Committee M); ICC Institute for World Trade Law – Corresponding member; Board of Directors, Société belge pour le droit international; Member Association Suisse de l’Arbitrage; Member Osterreichische Vereinigung fur Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit; Member Arbitration Club, London; Member Arbitration Club Milan ; Past Secretary-General: Société belge de Droit International
ICC, AAA – ICDR, Belgian CEPANI–Arbitration Institution; Netherlands Arbitration Institute, Vienna Centre, Hong Kong, Polish Arbitration Centre , Dubai International Arbitration Centre
Acted as chairman, sole arbitrator or party-appointed arbitrator in over 200 international arbitration proceedings. Appointments as arbitrator by ICSID, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), the American Arbitration Association, ICSID, the European Development Fund, CEPANI, the Netherlands Arbitration Institute, the Polish Chamber of Foreign Trade, the Vienna Arbitration Center, the United Nations and the Geneva Chamber of International Commerce; Acted as counsel in numerous arbitrations (ad hoc arbitration, ICC, CEPANI, LCIA, Chambre arbitrale de Paris, UNCITRAL); Subject matters covered : i.a. state contracts, turn-key projects, construction, engineering, public works (e.g. dam, power plant, roads, subway), investment contracts, BITs, joint ventures, share evaluations, international sales, agency and distributorship, transfer of technology, patents, cooperation agreements, software developments, shipping of goods, oil contracts, antitrust issues, mergers and acquisitions, securities trade, economic sanctions, export insurance, rescheduling of public debts, etc.; Standing arbitrator for Agreements between on one side Philip Morris, British American Tobacco and Imperial Tobacco and on the other side the E.U. and ten European Member States; Chairman Tribunal CSOB vs./ Slovak Republic–ICSID ( nr. 97/4), 2004; Exxon Mobil vs. Canada (NAFTA , ICSID AF 07/4) and first arbitration under PCA Environmental Rules; Tribunal Appointed Expert in Guyana vs. Suriname (The Hague–2006).; Appointing Authority in UNCITRAL arbitration, nominated by the Permanent Court of Arbitration; one of the 20 ‘most highly regarded individuals’ in arbitration (Global Arbitration Review – Commercial Arbitration 2009, p. 2); Regular lectures at the arbitration training programs and seminars of the International Centre for Dispute Resolution of the American Arbitration Association, ICC, School of International Arbitration, IBA etc. Trustee of the Dubai International Arbitration Centre (2004–2008); Member Commission on International Arbitration (ICC), London Club of Arbitrators, Milan Club of Arbitrators.; working groups on arbitration in the framework of the IBA, ICC, ILA etc.
– i.a., The Law of International Trade (Thompson London 2002, 432 p) and over 100 articles (bibliography upon request).