Hans Dolinar

Wolfauerstrasse 84
A-4020 Linz
Doctorate in law 1962 University of Vienna; Dkfm (Master of Business Administration Vienna Business School) 1969; Full Professor of Law since 1982 (University of Linz);President of Johannes Kepler University Linz from 1984 to 1988; Visiting Scholar at the Harvard Law School 1991; Visiting professor at the College of Law of Georgia State University 1993 -1999; Visiting Scholar at the Duke University School of Law 2002 and 2003; Visiting professor at the Duke University School of Law (Duke-Geneva Program 2004) , Visiting Professor at the Duke University School of Law in its international Hong Kong Program in Hong Kong in 2006 teaching International Commercial Arbitration and International Contracts. Visiting scholar at the Duke u University School of law in 2009; Practical experience in academic administration and management: President of the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria from 1984 to 1988; Head of Department (of Civil Procedure, Bankruptcy Law and Comparative Procedure);
Austrian Arbitration Association; Arbitrator at the International Arbitral Centre of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber; Vereinigung der Zivilprozessrechtslehrer (Germany, Switzerland and Austria); Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Internationales Verfahrensrecht; Member of the Austrian Committee of ICC
Arbitrator under the Rules of VIAC, ICC and UNCITRAL, as well as ad hoc cases
(Representative) Schiedsgerichtliches Verfahren (Österreich) in Dolinar/Holzhammer, Zivilprozessrecht II – Schwerpunktstudium (2003); Der Sachverständigenbeweis – eine rechtsvergleichende Analyse in Festschrift Sprung, Manz 2001 Vollstreckung aus einem ausländischen, einen Schiedsspruch bestätigenden Exequatururteil – Gedanken zur Merger-Theorie“ in Festschrift Schütze, Beck 2000; “New Perspectives of International Commercial Arbitration in Europe” Henry J. Miller Distinguished Lecture of 1993 published in the Georgia State University Law Review, March 1994; Public Policy Objections to the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Agreements and Awards: “Perspectives on Austrian and American Law” in Festschrift Strasser (Manz-Verlag 1993) zusammen mit Professor E. R. Lanier (Georgia State University); “The Judicial Analogue: On the Impartiality of Arbitral Tribunals in International Commercial Arbitration” zusammen mit Professor E. R. Lanier, veröffentlicht in der Zagreb University Press 1993; „Die freie richterliche Schadensschätzung nach § 273 ZPO als Instrument prozessökonomischer Streiterledigung“ in Festschrift Fasching Wien-Manz 1988, Vollstreckung aus einem ausländischen, einen Schiedsspruch bestätigenden Exequatururteils, Gedanken zur Mergertheorie in FS Schütze 1999, Der Sachverständigenbeweis, Eine rechtsvergleichende Studie (in FS- Rainer Sprung, Manz 2001), Zivilprozessrecht, Erkenntnisverfahren, (10 Auflage 2010) = Hornbook on Austrian Civil Procedure (10th Edition 2010), Legal English, Textbook (4th Edition 2006) for students with focus on American Constitutional Law and International contracts based on the CISG.