Georges-Albert Dal

Rue de l’Aurore 18
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Professor at the Université Catholique de Louvain; Editorial general secretary of Journal des tribunaux; Former Bâtonnier of the Brussels Bar; Former President of the Federation of European Bars; Member of the Belgian delegation with C.C.B.E.; Former Secretary of the Ordre national des avocats de Belgique
Arbitrator appointed by the ICC Court of arbitration of Paris; Arbitrator appointed by the CEPANI (Belgian center for national and international arbitration)
National and international arbitrations
“Les interdictions professionnelles” in J.T., 2001, p. 769; “L’arbitrage et la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme. Le point de vue belge,” Droit et Justice, n° 31, éd. Nemesis, 2001, p. 57; “Les fondements
déontologiques du secret professionnel,” in Le secret professionnel, colloque organisé par les F.U.N.D.P., à paraître; ”L’excusabilité (1998-2001),” in J.T. 2002, p. 57; “La Sabena, le concordat et la faillite,” observations sub Comm. Bruxelles, 7 novembre 2001, J.T. 2001.