George A. Nicolau

240 East 39th Street-Ste. 34G
New York, New York 10016-7209
Deputy Director, U.S. Peace Corps, Commissioner, NYC Community Development Agency, Executive Director, Fund for the City of New York, Executive Director, Inst. for Mediation and Conflict Resolution, President, Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution, President, National
Academy of Arbitrators, Vice Chair, U.S. Branch, International Society of Labor & Social Security Law, Board of Directors, College of Labor &
Employment Lawyers.
Present: Alaska Airlines, American Eagle Airlines, Aloha Airlines, Continental Airlines, Delta Airlines, United Airlines, Northwest Airlines, Actors Equity, League of American Theatres, Chairman, NYC League of Voluntary Hospitals/1199 SEIU. NYC Office of Collective Bargaining, National Hockey League/International Ice Hockey Federation., NBC&ABC/Writers Guild and Directors Guild, NY Shipping Ass’n/ILA, Matson Navigation/MEBA, New York Times/Newspaper Guild, AT&T,Verizon & Bell South/CWA.
From 1990-2006: Post-Discharge Conduct: A Look Back and A Look Ahead (Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting, NAA, BNA Books, Inc.1990); Arbitral Response To The Troubled Employee (Paper presented at the 15th Annual Collective Bargaining Conference of the FMCS and the IRRA, Northwest Chapter, Seattle, Washington, 1991); After-Acquired Evidence In Arbitration: Will McKennon v. Nashville Banner Make a Difference?, (Arbitration Journal, Fall 1995). The Future of Labor Arbitration, (Dispute Resolution Journal, April-Sept., 1996); The National Academy of Arbitrators at Fifty, (Dispute Resolution Journal, April 1997); Whatever Happened to Arbitral Finality: Is it Their Fault of Ours?, (CCH Labor Law Journal, Vol. 48, No. 5, May 1997); Gilmer: Its Implications and Ramifications for Employees, Employers & Practitioners, (University of Pennsylvania Journal of Labor & Employment Law (Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1998); The Presidential Address: The Challenge and the Prize, (Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting, National Academy of Arbitrators, BNA Books, Inc. 1998); O Functus Officio: Is It Time To Go? (Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting, National Academy of Arbitrators, BNA Books, Inc., 1999); Discipline In Sports, Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal (Vol. 17, No. 1, Fall 1999); A Comparison of Union and Non-Union Employee Protections in Ireland and the United States, New York International Law Review, Winter 2001, Vol. 14, No. 1 (2001); Reminiscences, Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting, National Academy of Arbitrators, BNA Books, Inc. 2003; Implementing Remedies and Retaining Jurisdiction: The United States Perspective, Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting, National Academy of Arbitrators, BNA Books, Inc. 2004). Is It Time for a National Unfair Dismissal Statute. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting, NAA, BNA Books, Inc. 2006).