George M. Vlavianos

Bennett Jones (Gulf) LLP
37th Floor, Tornado Tower
Al Funduq Street, West Bay
P.O. Box 11972, Doha, Qatar
Parlee McLaws LLP, Associate Lawyer, Calgary, Alberta (1996-1997); Bennett Jones LLP, Associate Lawyer, Calgary, Alberta (1997-2004); Bennett Jones LLP, Partner, Calgary, Alberta (2004-2013); Bennett Jones (Middle East) LLP, Managing Partner, Doha, Qatar (2013-2015); Bennett Jones (Gulf) LLP, Managing Partner, Doha, Qatar (2015-).
Fellow of the Canadian College of Construction Lawyers; Charter Fellow, Construction Lawyers Society of America; Member, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Canadian National Committee; Member, Canadian Chamber of Commerce (CCC) Arbitration Committee; Member, Congress of Fellows of the Center for International Legal Studies; Member, London Court of International Arbitration.
UNCITRAL, ICC and LCIA. Numerous international arbitrations as counsel with a focus on energy and construction disputes. Have occasionally sat as an arbitrator as well
Multiple Tiers, Multiple Risks – Multi-Tier Dispute Resolution Clauses in the International Bar Association’s Dispute Resolution International, May 2018; Multi-Tier Dispute Resolution Clauses as Jurisdictional Conditions Precedent to Arbitration, Global Arbitration Review’s The Guide to Energy Arbitrations, June 2017; Corporate Divorce: Potential Limits to Arbitral Jurisdiction over Joint Ventures, The Guide to Energy Arbitrations, October 2015; New LCIA Arbitration Rules Come into Effect on October 1, 2014 (Arbitration Update, October 2014); New Speed and Efficiency Provisions in
the ICC's 2012 Arbitration Rules (Arbitration Update, February 2012); Understanding Without Prejudice Communications (The Constructor 2007); The Scope of Discovery in International Commercial Arbitration: A Canadian Perspective (21:1 News and Notes of The Institute of Transnational Arbitration (Winter 2007)); Seeking Interim Measures from a Canadian Court in International Commercial Arbitration: Putting Confidentiality at Risk, in A. Alibekova and R. Carrow, eds., International Arbitration and Mediation – From the Professional's Prespective (Salzburg, Austria: Yorkhill Law Publishing, 2007).