François O. Dessemontet

University of Lausanne
CH – 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Chairman, Société Suisse des Juristes (2000 to 2003); Expert Committee (consisting of three persons) on Corporate Governance (est. by the Swiss Government 2002); Member, Executive Committee of the Swiss Arbitration Association; Member, AIPPI, ALAI, LICCD; Guest of honour of the Swiss Auditors Association
ICC; Panelist under WTO Dispute Settlement procedure; Panelist for WIPO
Chairman, or single arbitrator or co-arbitrator in approximately 50 panels of arbitration plus a number of ICANN Domain name cases.
Intellectual Property Law in Switzerland (Boston, Berne 2000); The European Approach to E-Commerce and Licensing (Brooklyn 2000); Conflict of Laws for Intellectual Property in Cyberspace (Journal of International Arbitration,2001); Use of the UNIDROIT Principles to Interpret and Supplement Domestic Law (Special Supplement 2002, ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin).